I'm not sure what you're talking about here. When did Murray tell Cal where he would accept playing and where did Cal assure him he would only play the 1 or 2. BTW, a 2 guard is considered a "wing" player so I really don't understand your entire post. Cal has already said this is Tyler's team. He will play the 1 spot. Offensively I don't think it matters where Murray and Briscoe are. Defensively, Tyler guards the 1, Murray the 2, Briscoe the 3 (his length will allow this), Poy/Lee the 4 and Skal the 5. I think we're really going to start 3 1's and 2 4's. Call them whatever position you like, they are going to beat the crap out of people.
Have you watched any interviews that Murray has done since his commitment? In particular the interview he did right after his commitment on Canadian TV? I'm assuming that you have not since you are questioning my post. So, why don't you just go take a look at that real quick. I'm not going to go through and link everything for you but just Google it and you'll find it. In that interview, they ask Jamal what position has Cal talked to him about playing next year. Murray replies.....Ill be playing my natural position at the 1 spot. Then he says that he will gladly move over to the 2 spot in Cal wishes but he doesn't say anything about the 3 spot.
Murray has stated that he would like to play the point in college, its not like thats a secret and I actually thought it was common knowledge but I guess not. I'm not going to go link everything for you but you can gladly do a bit of research and I'm sure youll find any of this quite easily. Also, I did not say anything about Murray only ACCEPTING to play a certain position, so please don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say anything on the sort, only that he would like to play the point. Also, did not say that Cal told Murray that he would only be playing the 1 or 2 spot. You are completely twisting my words and you really need to go back and read my post.
If you want to get all technical and say "technically a 2 guard is a wing too" then OK, whatever but just so you don't get confused when talking basketball on this forum or with any other oxygen breathing human, when people use the word wing as a position, they're almost always referring to the SF position.
It will be interesting to see what Cal does with this team. Most think he will run a "3 guard" lineup with Ulis, Briscoe, and Murray but I have my doubts that will be the case but thats just my opinion based off what I have heard and read. I'm not saying that I like that or dislike it, its just what I've gathered up til now. You can agree or disagree, thats youre right. We could see Ulis, Murray, Mulder\Matthews, Poy, and Skal. Maybe even Ulis, Murray, Poythress, Lee, and Skal as the lineup he decides goes with to start. Cal likes to switch up his lineups to try and find out what all he has with a team. It will be interesting to see what he does with this team. He has several different options on the table and they all look good to me. You were right about 1 thing, we will be kicking tails this year, no matter who is on the court to start the game.