Since we got beat, I've sit back and thought about being a fan all these yrs. and read about what people has been saying, who they have been blaming and so forth. But to tell the truth it's good to get these 30 win seasons, E. 8's, FF and things but without the championship it shouldn't mean nothing to us and with all the talent we've had since Cal has been here we should have more than one championship. I know i'm going to get blasted but that's ok, with 30 top draft picks in the last 7 yrs and then most likely 3 more this yr something isn't working. Since 09 you have UNC with 2, Duke-2 Conn. 2 uof 1 and Vill.1 UK 1 no way we shouldn't have at least 3 or 4. I've heard Cal talk about the draw and the calls and things but hey when you have double the talent than any other program you should be able to over come some calls and brackets but not lose every time so i think it's about time for us and Cal to quit making excuses and lay the blame where it should be on the play calling. But it's the truth. Now let the blasting begin!