Mitch, you've got a year to formulate a plan and line up a coach


Sep 24, 2008
One year from now we are going to be right back where we were a week ago. The fanbase will be in revolt and the program will have slipped even further. So, Mitch you've got almost an entire year to get your shyt together. That means formulating a plan to buyout Calipari's contract and build a short list of appropriate successors.
No excuses, no compromises and no B.S.
What I hear when Cal does his interviews.

Tongue Goat GIF
I think Barnhart is probably just praying Cal manages a Sweet Sixteen in spite of himself so he can claim it as an improvement and carry on this mess as long as possible. I have no basis other than gut feeling, but I think he’s here again next offseason if he wins a tournament game at all.
Mitch is the cause of this problem. And don’t forget the Billy G hire. So the solution is clear.
Yeah the solution is clear but UK fans talk about Barney like he’s a king. The guy is toast. He’s gonna get worked outta Lexington like no ad before. This guy is the reason we have 1 title and 3 tournament misses since he’s been the ad at UK. He is incapable of hiring the right coach and so desperate to retain that he gives ridiculous contracts acrosss the board the easiest to deal with is this clown. Send him packing far from Lexington. Our fans will go after rooferee with passion but Barney is untouchable?
Barnhart is a problem.

He just had a quote basically saying all sports are equal and he just doesn't get it if he actually thinks that.

In the sports that matter he has made 3 of 5 bad hires. That is what counts and that is terrible.

Bad hires:
Billy Gillespie
Joker Phillips
Calipari lifetime contract (this counts as a new hire to me)

Good hires
Original calipari
Mark Stoops for kentucky football

People that defend the lifetime contract are ridiculous...we could have just paid cal his upgrade to 10 mil a year without the ridiculous buy out clause...otherwise you Call his bluff and say "we will give you 10 mil a year but no crazy buyout, if that's not good enough go to ucla"

He would have never gone to ucla...they can't even sell out games. That town cares nothing about college ball or what their past was... soo dumb to think cal would leave UK for that. Now if it was an NBA team we were countering...but we weren't. Hence mitch is dumb for that buyout lifetime deal.

And we all know cal would be fired maybe yesteryear without the buyout.

Now the problem is buyout PLUS, replacement... had there been no buyout... you can gamble more on a replacement for 2 year experiment which could be at worst what cal accomplished last two years.

And this all coming from a guy (me) who defended and used to love cal..... but now know he is a weak man... a fat bum.
He doesn't try anymore...he doesn't go hard in the paint anymore.

When I'm 65 ill still be going hard, cold plunging...eating Fn steak... not giving up...not settling cause I have some easy Goin contract. I push has just done what most do when they get old.
One year from now we are going to be right back where we were a week ago. The fanbase will be in revolt and the program will have slipped even further. So, Mitch you've got almost an entire year to get your shyt together. That means formulating a plan to buyout Calipari's contract and build a short list of appropriate successors.
No excuses, no compromises and no B.S.
I'm hoping Cal will be let go before conference play IF UK struggles early.
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Barnhart is a problem.

He just had a quote basically saying all sports are equal and he just doesn't get it if he actually thinks that.

In the sports that matter he has made 3 of 5 bad hires. That is what counts and that is terrible.

Bad hires:
Billy Gillespie
Joker Phillips
Calipari lifetime contract (this counts as a new hire to me)

Good hires
Original calipari
Mark Stoops for kentucky football

People that defend the lifetime contract are ridiculous...we could have just paid cal his upgrade to 10 mil a year without the ridiculous buy out clause...otherwise you Call his bluff and say "we will give you 10 mil a year but no crazy buyout, if that's not good enough go to ucla"

He would have never gone to ucla...they can't even sell out games. That town cares nothing about college ball or what their past was... soo dumb to think cal would leave UK for that. Now if it was an NBA team we were countering...but we weren't. Hence mitch is dumb for that buyout lifetime deal.

And we all know cal would be fired maybe yesteryear without the buyout.

Now the problem is buyout PLUS, replacement... had there been no buyout... you can gamble more on a replacement for 2 year experiment which could be at worst what cal accomplished last two years.

And this all coming from a guy (me) who defended and used to love cal..... but now know he is a weak man... a fat bum.
He doesn't try anymore...he doesn't go hard in the paint anymore.

When I'm 65 ill still be going hard, cold plunging...eating Fn steak... not giving up...not settling cause I have some easy Goin contract. I push has just done what most do when they get old.
One year from now we are going to be right back where we were a week ago. The fanbase will be in revolt and the program will have slipped even further. So, Mitch you've got almost an entire year to get your shyt together. That means formulating a plan to buyout Calipari's contract and build a short list of appropriate successors.
No excuses, no compromises and no B.S.
The Big Lebowski Whatever GIF
Does anyone actually believe Barnhart is actually aggressively being proactive and formulating a plan and evaluating potential coach replacements? He isn't I can almost guarantee it.

Next year when we are right back here after another 20-12 season it's going to be "we will evaluate" and "we are going to meet just like we do at the end of every season" blah blah blah. At this point we will have lost the all-time wins lead AGAIN and be firmly entrenched in a decade without a Final Four.

Kentucky Basketball is on probation until Cal leaves.
Mitch isn't a proactive kind of guy. And he's not really all that forward thinking. He's going to have to be dragged into any decision kicking and screaming, and after a lot of arm twisting.
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Mitch created this problem and now he owns it. That is the problem.he cannot do the right thing without embarrassing himself. That is why he should be dismissed along with the sports committee of the BOT who recommended this insane contract .

Then the new AD needs to come in and say to Cal. You are not wanted here . Every day you are here hurts our relationship with our Alums .
In view of the fact freshman cannot win NCAA championships and the final four this year started 16 seniors and only one freshmen among the four teams, am ordering you to not start more than one freshman .
I want a senior laden team.
He would then leave .
Does anyone actually believe Barnhart is actually aggressively being proactive and formulating a plan and evaluating potential coach replacements? He isn't I can almost guarantee it.

Next year when we are right back here after another 20-12 season it's going to be "we will evaluate" and "we are going to meet just like we do at the end of every season" blah blah blah. At this point we will have lost the all-time wins lead AGAIN and be firmly entrenched in a decade without a Final Four.

Kentucky Basketball is on probation until Cal leaves.
Then Mitch needs to be fired
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Barnhart is a problem.

He just had a quote basically saying all sports are equal and he just doesn't get it if he actually thinks that.

In the sports that matter he has made 3 of 5 bad hires. That is what counts and that is terrible.

Bad hires:
Billy Gillespie
Joker Phillips
Calipari lifetime contract (this counts as a new hire to me)

Good hires
Original calipari
Mark Stoops for kentucky football

People that defend the lifetime contract are ridiculous...we could have just paid cal his upgrade to 10 mil a year without the ridiculous buy out clause...otherwise you Call his bluff and say "we will give you 10 mil a year but no crazy buyout, if that's not good enough go to ucla"

He would have never gone to ucla...they can't even sell out games. That town cares nothing about college ball or what their past was... soo dumb to think cal would leave UK for that. Now if it was an NBA team we were countering...but we weren't. Hence mitch is dumb for that buyout lifetime deal.

And we all know cal would be fired maybe yesteryear without the buyout.

Now the problem is buyout PLUS, replacement... had there been no buyout... you can gamble more on a replacement for 2 year experiment which could be at worst what cal accomplished last two years.

And this all coming from a guy (me) who defended and used to love cal..... but now know he is a weak man... a fat bum.
He doesn't try anymore...he doesn't go hard in the paint anymore.

When I'm 65 ill still be going hard, cold plunging...eating Fn steak... not giving up...not settling cause I have some easy Goin contract. I push has just done what most do when they get old.
Cal likely gets canned after 2021’s 9-16 season if not 2022 after losing to Saint Peter’s. He survived Kentucky’s worst back-to-back only because Mitch is an imbecile.
When Cal flames out again (and he will), Mitch will resign. He doesn't want to do his job. Thus the ridiculous good ole boy salaries he gives out like candy for mediocre results. I mean I like Stoops well enough and he hasn't done a bad job, but in no universe he is worth a top ten coach salary. He would rather pay a coach undeserved pay than have to go out and find a new coach.
Stoops has his outrageous salary and contract because our renowned basketball coach who continues to win NCAA championships bragged that we are a basketball school. . By doing that Cal cost UK athletics about thirty million for Stoops contract to placate him for Cals comments and to show we don’t favor basketball.
Add that to the fifty million or so Cals refusal to change from freshmen laden to senior laden teams has cost us and you begin to get to real money . Stoops should send Cal a Christmas card each year for his extra thirty million Cal s comment got him.
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You think Mark Stoops is a good hire. Mediocre at best. He wins in early season against the nobody’s and for the most part folds in SEC play
He was off to Texas a&m taking a pay cut to get out of here .the a&m donors and fans rebelled and did not go through with it I say clean house on both sides bring in Tim couch as AD and let's move on
I wouldn't be surprised if UK cuts Mitch loose in about six months. I could see them letting this blow over, but making sure there's a new AD comfortably in place with enough time to prepare for a Cal's replacement this time next year.
Is this thread a threat? Mitch will do what he wants. The fans can't grant him another year to do anything. He should have done something at least 3 years ago but he didn't.
Yeah, but truly who gives a crap about women’s bball?
Kenny Brooks and I.
The players that will be on the floor next season and their families and many others.
The girls game is based on fundamentals and teamwork. You should not disparage the program when it is down. If the Lady Kats start winning you will probably claim you have always been behind them.