Mitch Kupchak's 15-year-old daughter dies


Apr 13, 2011
After a lengthy illness. The UNC family is sure suffering right now. I can't imagine anything worse than losing a child.

Right here
As someone who knows what it it like to lose a child, my sincerest prayers go out to that family.
Losing a child is the worst thing possible. You watch them grow up, you watch them play out their lives with all of their joys and accomplishments and all of their sorrows and pain. When they're, taken, you are stunned - in total disbelief. You awake assuming, praying, that everything will return to normal, but as time passes you become completely aware of the reality. There is no relief, nowhere, it is forever. It just isn't suppose to happen like that, but it does for so many families. The world just moves right along, no one really cares. The parents can never forget, and they can not hide the tears upon remembrance - they are never the same thereafter. My prayers for the Kupchak's.
The most unnatural occurrence and feeling in the world is having to bury your own child. You expect and anticipate your parents passing away before you. It's just unnatural to have the process reversed. Sadly, it happened with my brother-in-law. It's been four years now, and he and his wife have had to go on with their lives but have never been the same since. I can just see the void and emptiness in his eyes especially around holidays.

God bless Kupchak and any family who has had to endure this. I can only imagine what pain they must endure as this would be the worse thing that could happen to anyone.
From experience there is nothing worse that I, or my family, could ever suffer that would be worse. The loss you feel is greater than words can express. My heart aches for the family. RIP Alaina Claire
Originally posted by preacherfan:

As someone who knows what it it like to lose a child, my sincerest prayers go out to that family.
I'm sorry for Mitch's loss, as well as yours preacherfan. Losing parents is bad enough, I can't imagine the horror of losing a child.
My heart goes out to them and any parent who loses or has lost a child. I cannot imagine. That is a bridge I never want to cross.
News like this always brings basketball into perspective. The loss of a child is a terrible tragedy. My prayers go out to the UNC family.
Prayers to the entire family during this tough time. No one deserves this kind of heartache.

This post was edited on 1/6 8:23 AM by MWes11
My thoughts and prayers go to the family. And a special prayer that Mitch's daughter is in a sky blue heaven.
Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by preacherfan:

As someone who knows what it it like to lose a child, my sincerest prayers go out to that family.
I'm sorry for Mitch's loss, as well as yours preacherfan. Losing parents is bad enough, I can't imagine the horror of losing a child.
Thanks, Mav. We found out how ill she was on the day UK won the title in 1998. This may sound strange but I cherish that title because it was the only bright spot of a horrible horrible horrible day.

I pray for the Kupchak's. They have a long dark journey ahead. Eventually, they will come to point of being thankful for the 15 years more than grieving the loss.
It is very sad and doubly so for what it does to the remaining family for a very long time. My prayers go out to any and all that have had to endure what nature never intended.
I can speak from personal expeience that losing a child is the most terrible, horific, disabilitating thing a human being can ever endure on this earth. The depression that it forever brings into your life is undescribable. We lost our 18 year old son Ryan on Jan 5 of 2002, right there in Lexington, the same day as this little girls passing. Do not ever think it gets any easier because it does not. Today is just another day longer than yesterday that we have not been able to hold him in our arms, and tell him how much we love him. I so much ask everyone remember this family, and all the families that have had to bury their children that you may know.
Dancerman and preacherfan, my heart just ached for you and your family as read your post, knowing that you still many years later, suffer from the undying pain in your heart after the loss of a child. I had tears in my eyes reading your posts because I cannot imagine what my life would be without my two daughters, who are also my best friends. I appreciate you both sharing your thoughts and feelings and another poster who also eloquently detailed the difficult moments in the years following the loss of a child. It helped personalize what the Kupchak family and others who lose a child will endure for a lifetime.
Dancerman and preacherfan, you have my deepest sympathies for your losses. As many have already stated, there can't be anything worse than the loss of a child. I hope there is a special place in heaven for you and your children where you will one day reunite. How glorious will that be!