Missing Out On Jasper and Moreno

There are now strong rumblings that Kentucky may miss-out on both Jasper Johnson and Malachi Moreno, with Alabama and UNC now looking like leaders for Jasper and Moreno possibly leaning towards Indiana. What's everyone thoughts on possibly missing out on two, high-profile in-state kids to our rivals? It's very rare that the state of Kentucky produces two top-30 highschool prospects, and even more rare that neither may not be suiting up in Kentucky blue.

EDIT: Just seen the similar post about this topic, however, cannot read the OP's message to due having white font lol.

Looks like we shouldn’t count our chickens before they hatch.
Good post.

What I love about Johnson the most (besides his obvious NBA-level talent), is that he allows Pope to appropriate Cal's "UK is guard-university" thing. Johnson becomes the bridge to the next era of Pope selling the same stuff Calipari sold, which is that UK is Guard-U.

Pope can tell elite guard recruits, "Kentucky is still the place to be if you're an aspiring NBA guard. Look what we did with Jasper. Look at what we did with Chandler and (hopefully) Kinney."

Give me transcendent freshmen guards over 18 year old big men any day. We have a great track record with them: Wall, Maxey, SGA, Fox, Knight, Bledsoe, Murray, Wallace, etc.

Agreed, people are over looking the fact that if we land some of these high profile guys early and do well that train will keep rolling. Some don’t want them, but we will have freshman every year and it’s better to sign the best ones possible. Obviously we want the ones who fit our system but high level freshman mixed with great college players and upperclassman is a recipe for success now.
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He brings the ball up court. ESPN has him as a PG as well as the title of the attached link. kid has awesome handles. He is a PG. I have seen him play PG in HS and AAU. I wasn’t calling you out.

Another thing is that Cliff Hawkins was a PG who couldn’t shoot and he was a damn fine PG. Obviously that is more important than ever but it’s possible to be a great player and not have the best outside shot. I like having lefty Guards and they are harder to guard because so many people are right handed it throws a different look driving to the goal. He’s has serious game.

Look at Dilly, he shot about 30% in AAU. These kids take frankly terrible shots in many AAU games, and particularly hard ones trying to show out. Getting them better instruction, taking better shots, and in a legit system will improve their numbers over time. Plus the amount of practice they will be doing every single day.
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This is dumb. Pope shows up months ago and is instantly supposed to be in first place with these young men at UK? Years of time and established relationships should all be overcome instantly? Right, makes sense to hardly anyone.
Well he got one of them. He needs to get both.
My thoughts are I've been telling everyone this, exactly, would happen from here on out for months and have been called every name in the book including someone's forlorn lover to whom I'm not even attracted.
One last chance to celebrate the genius of Butters' Dad...Who seems to have melted in the summer heat. I can't say he'll be missed.
There are now strong rumblings that Kentucky may miss-out on both Jasper Johnson and Malachi Moreno, with Alabama and UNC now looking like leaders for Jasper and Moreno possibly leaning towards Indiana. What's everyone thoughts on possibly missing out on two, high-profile in-state kids to our rivals? It's very rare that the state of Kentucky produces two top-30 highschool prospects, and even more rare that neither may not be suiting up in Kentucky blue.

EDIT: Just seen the similar post about this topic, however, cannot read the OP's message to due having white font lol.

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Well this post didn’t age well

But ones like it rarely do

So who else is excited about the path UK basketball is on?
Most of us are for sure! Then there are some that say I told you so when we miss on a guy and then they are the biggest UK fan ever when we land one. They play it both ways so as always to have a comfy blanket, lol.
Matt was saying, when he came back from Europe, that it wasn't looking good for UK with Johnson or Moreno and if they missed on both it would be devastating to Pope's recruiting efforts to miss out on 2 top 25 guys from KY. I guess he must have been reading this post to get his information. 🤣

Funny thing is instead of eating his crow he doubled down yesterday and said that Pope should get both since they were in his back door but he needs to go out now and do it with a 5 star who isn't from KY to prove he can recruit nationally. Maybe he was just salty because Pope had stood them up on their visit to the UK coaches offices on Wednesday to go recruiting.
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Matt was saying, when he came back from Europe, that it wasn't looking good for UK with Johnson or Moreno and if they missed on both it would be devastating to Pope's recruiting efforts to miss out on 2 top 25 guys from KY. I guess he must have been reading this post to get his information. 🤣

Funny thing is instead of eating his crow he doubled down yesterday and said that Pope should get both since they were in his back door but he needs to go out now and do it with a 5 star who isn't from KY to prove he can recruit nationally. Maybe he was just salty because Pope had stood them up on their visit to the UK coaches offices on Wednesday to go recruiting.

"Failing up" is a thing in today's society. Sad stuff.
Matt was saying, when he came back from Europe, that it wasn't looking good for UK with Johnson or Moreno and if they missed on both it would be devastating to Pope's recruiting efforts to miss out on 2 top 25 guys from KY. I guess he must have been reading this post to get his information. 🤣

Funny thing is instead of eating his crow he doubled down yesterday and said that Pope should get both since they were in his back door but he needs to go out now and do it with a 5 star who isn't from KY to prove he can recruit nationally. Maybe he was just salty because Pope had stood them up on their visit to the UK coaches offices on Wednesday to go recruiting.
Always gotta add another parameter to try and be right about or to latch onto in case he fails later on.
Most of us are for sure! Then there are some that say I told you so when we miss on a guy and then they are the biggest UK fan ever when we land one. They play it both ways so as always to have a comfy blanket, lol.
Aaaah such is human nature though
I’ll be honest..,I’m not as into recruiting as many are; at least not anymore. This, however, makes me happy. But you know what? I’d have still been happy if these guys didn’t commit
It’s just fun watching the conversations
Agreed, people are over looking the fact that if we land some of these high profile guys early and do well that train will keep rolling. Some don’t want them, but we will have freshman every year and it’s better to sign the best ones possible. Obviously we want the ones who fit our system but high level freshman mixed with great college players and upperclassman is a recipe for success now.
At this point I just want who Mark Pope wants.
Aaaah such is human nature though
I’ll be honest..,I’m not as into recruiting as many are; at least not anymore. This, however, makes me happy. But you know what? I’d have still been happy if these guys didn’t commit
It’s just fun watching the conversations
I’m happy no matter what happens as far as recruiting hits or misses since we got the coach I wanted. All the best!
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