Miss Kentucky honors the Cats by wearing UK uniform at Miss America event

I think she's a very cute young lady. Plus, if you had a Miss USA basketball team, that gal looks like she could set a pick and you'd know you been picked.
Our local hometown girl Betty Cantrell, Warner Robins, Ga.,won the Miss America contest. Very beautiful girl and most deserving.
Betty was super hot! Hannah Robison (Miss TN) is from my hometown. It's crazy knowing a girl that was top 7 in a Miss USA contest. I think Hannah and Betty were the best 2 by far. Funny thing is Hannah is pretty in person than she looked during the contest. Miss SC was nice too.

As for Miss KY, I'll go the honest/non PC route, no way in hell should she have been Miss KY. There are hotter girls in every KY high school than her. She seemed real cool but hot she was not.
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I think she's gorgeous, personally. She's more the norm as far as women's body type's go rather than the pageant ideal.

But most importantly is she's representing our Cats :sunglasses:

There's a sexist element to this and I'm sure you'd agree.

However, you called her gorgeous. We both know I couldn't say that about a man(although now I'm a homophobe?) So inso facto, you're being genderist by pointing all of this out.

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[laughing] This thread is cracking me up. Everyone is so terrified of saying their opinion in case its not politically correct. Going out of their way to try and make things sound better than they are. She's just not attractive. She's like a 6/10. Not that fit, short hair, okay face. Its okay to admit it. Just call it what it is - Miss Kentucky is super marginal/not particularly attractive person and move on.

Actually they're probably more scared of the race card.

Just sayin...
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There's a sexist element to this and I'm sure you'd agree.

However, you called her gorgeous. We both know I couldn't say that about a man(although now I'm a homophobe?) So inso facto, you're being genderist by pointing all of this out.


well, it wasn't my intention to come across that way. :flushed: But I figured I'd put my two cents in after some of the other comments.
BTW Clark Davis is just 18 years old, she was the youngest contestant in the pageant and she did beat out several "more traditional looking" pageant types in the Miss Kentucky pageant. Most of these girls are well into their 20s and work for years on their looks and bodies to get to this level. Last year's Miss America was not very pretty either. The competition is not strictly based on looks, if you want that then go to Miss USA and Miss Universe which are strictly beauty pageants.

She is also an amazing opera singer - if Betty Cantrell had not been in this competition, Clark would have gotten a lot of attention for her voice. Cantrell also has many more years of training though.

I have friends who know Clark very well and say she is an amazing young woman with a big future ahead of her. She chose to go with natural hair and not to kill herself trying to lose weight, and she deserves respect for that!

Yes, there are many hotter girls at CWS on a given Saturday. But they don't have talent, maturity, and poise to go along with the face and the bod.
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It's already been mentioned, but this isn't just based on looks. I'd also like some posters to go into greater detail about what it takes to be above average for them.
So then what is Miss USA even for anyway? Seems about as pointless as all the other pageants, except you don't even get to look at attractive girls when your wife is forcing you to watch it.
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