You are not fooling anybody, just because its IU... many of us on here would not handle this situation very well with anyone causing our little girl to be embarrassed or hurt her feelings intentionally right to her face.
(Take away the millionaire perspective)
I'd drop him faster than she could drop his class.
True but my point is this.
She's an adult now. Time to start acting like one. By all accounts, she did. The grown up thing to do in college is learn to actually be a grown up. Life is harsh, really harsh. but we aren't teaching that anymore. We're now teaching that individuals mold life to themselves, when in the real world it's the other way around. And that's not going to change.
I can't take the money out of it because it's a huge element in it. The professor wouldn't have said that if her dad was a firefighter or policeman. He's a coach paid way way too much money for horrible results and she needs to get ready for backlash for it if she's going to attend IU. If she can't handle that, she needs to go to another school.
Should the professor have done it? Probably not, I'll give ya that. But the 60,000 dollar ride she's leaving campus in came out of his own pocket (and the other students) so imo they've got the right to be upset at crean, and I'm sure it was just a joke anyway. Professors don't really care much about sports in my experience.
My grandfather was mayor of the town I grew up in for 32 years. You can't imagine the hell. I know all too well what it's like. But it made me tough. They didn't hold my hand when the town was mean to me. I was told to suck it up and move. That's what I did, and I'm way, way better for it. when I let it effect me, it led to drug abuse as a youth. When I took control of my life, and developed thick skin, I got off of drugs, obtained 2 bachelors degrees, and lived my (nearly lost) dream of playing collegiate sports.
Off topic kind of but whatever. That's my opinion.