Memphis @ Tulsa

Memphis down 13 at the half. No jinxy

A penny for Penny’s thoughts. I hope he gets asked some questions that disrespects him bro.
It’s Ol Pocket Lint now guys.

if amemphis loses this one, maybe he morphs into like a fire breathing dragon or something

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The fighting Pocket Lints have cut the lead to two. Even they can’t lose to the hot garbage that is Tulsa twice.
Here’s a good stat. Every Memphis loss they were picked by Vegas to win. Every. Single. One.

Has that ever happened?
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How can Memphis win with all those young kids, playing against grown men?
I'm afraid you have to do more than that to unjinx this. Try this: Penny is a great coach and I expect the Tigers to come roaring back in the second half.
I did the best I could but I must have let out some sarcasm which negates my dejinxification powers.