Mayor Gorton

Seperation of church and state applies to ALL religions, including the “progressive” secular religion. These idiots are worse than any regular fundy fanatic. They’re a disease plaguing the Earth.
Elect stupid people... get stupid policies. No surprise here.

We need him back.
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Good grief.

  • Lexington's classes would focus on Critical Race Theory that teaches the beliefs that American laws and institutions are inherently racist
This is why the KY Legislature needs to pass an Amendment to be voted on that bans this crap in state-funded institutions and giving tax breaks to any corp. that teaches it.
Absolutely, but rest assured, the cancel culture left will make the infidels pay dearly for it. Conventions will be moved elsewhere, the NCAA Gestapo will ban tournament games in the state, businesses will be forced to not open new sites in the state, ETC..... The left are secular religious fanatics. A malignant disease on society.