Maxey responds to new IQ contract

Well, I'm short too and you have me beat by about 10" in vertical. But, I can shoot well.
You have me beat by about 2 inches in vertical then lol. I used to be able to shoot but I’m short with no handle, I smoke and can only run 3 point line to 3 point line 🤣.
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NBA contracts are off the rails now. Before 1997, Michael Jordan was making $3.8M a year. His biggest year was a one year $33.1M deal. Now you've got role players making more than that.
That's why the average Joe can't go to a game. It's over $1000 if you purchase decent seats. Plus food and drinks. Easily another $200 for a family of 4.
It won't change and I won't spend my money on a game again. Really poor product.
Hell it's crazy what it cost me to take my grandkids to a UK game. I wanted my grandkids to experience Rupp and it was great but I ate beans for a few weeks after!!
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The saving grace for Pippen was his post Bulls career.

1998-99Houston RocketsNBA$11,000,000
1999-00Portland Trail BlazersNBA$14,795,642
2000-01Portland Trail BlazersNBA$13,750,000
2001-02Portland Trail BlazersNBA$18,083,564
2002-03Portland Trail BlazersNBA$19,727,524

With that said, he got screwed by a financial advisor as many of these guys do. He also purchased a private jet (a for sure way to go bankrupt unless you're bringing in Oprah/Taylor Swift money). He wasn't good with money and it clearly showed with his decisions.
Yeah The 1999 season was when most of the great players started making lifetime money across the league. There were outliers like Jordan and his 1997 deal but the salary structure and league TV deals really started rising around then.
A few charities would be nice. I’m not a communist but I am a Christian who donates my own time and money to those less fortunate than me and I doubt I’ll ever make their max one year salary in my lifetime.

And I’m not bummed about that either, I’m not money obsessed. It’s just hard seeing athletes with so much and firefighters, cops, teachers, enlisted military, homeless veterans, starving children, kids in orphanages, etc.

Again, it’s their money and they can do what they want with it. I accept and appreciate that and I want to be treated the same. But when I see one dude with 3 mansions, private security, 2 private jets, 4 yachts, and 8 super cars I start to wonder how different our financial elite is from say to he Roman financial elite. Both in how they’re treated by the public and how they truly view the public.

I am a realist who tends to lean towards cynicism just so people don’t let me down, so that’s where a lot of this rant is coming from too.

I’m in
That's why the average Joe can't go to a game. It's over $1000 if you purchase decent seats. Plus food and drinks. Easily another $200 for a family of 4.
It won't change and I won't spend my money on a game again. Really poor product.
Hell it's crazy what it cost me to take my grandkids to a UK game. I wanted my grandkids to experience Rupp and it was great but I ate beans for a few weeks after!!

And this is why the media money is huge. Average fans can stay at home and watch their teams games on 80 inch Hi def tv’s (and I can’t say much because I have one in my basement) over an 82 game schedule or on their tablets or even phones.

I’m pretty convinced in 10 years all major league sports will be streaming only anyway.
I guarantee he is! Cal sure did underachieve with all the talent he had. He should have won 3-4 championships.
He absolutely underachieved. I just wish more of the writers talked about it. These kids aren't innocent, either. They took off plays, avoided contact so they'd get that contract, HID ON THE BENCH. They need to be called out, too. Don't hide behind the NBA, fools. Everything single thing talked about that he wasn't going to allow happen, did happen.
That's why the average Joe can't go to a game. It's over $1000 if you purchase decent seats. Plus food and drinks. Easily another $200 for a family of 4.
It won't change and I won't spend my money on a game again. Really poor product.
Hell it's crazy what it cost me to take my grandkids to a UK game. I wanted my grandkids to experience Rupp and it was great but I ate beans for a few weeks after!!
That's not strictly a sporting event issue. Look at the cost of concert tickets now.
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That's not strictly a sporting event issue. Look at the cost of concert tickets now.

I’m in Los Angeles for a week in September and I got tickets to a Dodgers game in the nosebleeds behind home plate for 27 bucks for a Friday night game.

Tickets behind home plate in the lower were like 600 bucks. I’m lucky enough in life where I could afford that but hell no.
he hasn't signed his YET. But it will be HUGE. I think in the $240 million range. But, maybe IQ can buy Max some Chick Fil A before he gets his "raise" ? On a serious note, I seriously doubt they eat very much Chick Fil A now days.

Edited : I did some research, his deal is capped at 5 year, ONLY $204 million. His All NBA snub cost him about $40 million. Could have signed in the $245 million range if he had made the All NBA team.

He may just love Chick Fil A. Some people just love fast food. Warren Buffet once took Bill Gates to McDonalds for lunch and even used a coupon to pay. (True story) Buffet usually eats breakfast at McDonalds on a daily basis.
That's why the average Joe can't go to a game. It's over $1000 if you purchase decent seats. Plus food and drinks. Easily another $200 for a family of 4.
It won't change and I won't spend my money on a game again. Really poor product.
Hell it's crazy what it cost me to take my grandkids to a UK game. I wanted my grandkids to experience Rupp and it was great but I ate beans for a few weeks after!!
MLB is the only one that is affordable and that's just because they have so many games.

My kids want to go see a Bengals game. The minimum for nosebleed seats right now for a home game is like $170 each for three tickets. That's $510 before the fees. Then add parking and gas and food. That's for one day and not even a big event like a playoff game. That's not a smart purchase. This is just a small example. Good luck affording playoff tickets. I looked at Stanley Cup tickets just for giggles last week and the cheapest ticket was $1,200.

$1,200!!!! For a nosebleed seat to watch a game that everyone at home is watching for free.
He absolutely underachieved. I just wish more of the writers talked about it. These kids aren't innocent, either. They took off plays, avoided contact so they'd get that contract, HID ON THE BENCH. They need to be called out, too. Don't hide behind the NBA, fools. Everything single thing talked about that he wasn't going to allow happen, did happen.
I think that is a bit much. "Hid on the bench" ? WTF does that even mean ? "Avoided contact to get that contract ?" This post sounds like it was written by a 7th grader. How does avoiding contact get you a contract ? And WHO exactly did that ? Do you have examples ? Proof ?
I’m in Los Angeles for a week in September and I got tickets to a Dodgers game in the nosebleeds behind home plate for 27 bucks for a Friday night game.

Tickets behind home plate in the lower were like 600 bucks. I’m lucky enough in life where I could afford that but hell no.
Yeah, I said the same. MLB is the only one where you're able to take a family to and not be out a lot of money. I always like sitting in the outfield anyway, chance to catch a homer and cheap seats and easier access to food.
Welcome to the free market where people are paid according to their value to the market, not their value in society. Y’all kick scream and scratch for this system but complain about it when it benefits people you don’t respect.
Ironically the NBA does not have a free market pay system, as there are max contracts, collective bargaining, etc. but I get the point
You have me beat by about 2 inches in vertical then lol. I used to be able to shoot but I’m short with no handle, I smoke and can only run 3 point line to 3 point line 🤣.
The wardlow and I could include you in our game, lol. Get a few more like us and we could almost play half court. Again, no running or defense allowed.
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Tyrese has to be one of the most likable UK playeres ever. Kid just has a sunny disposition. I remember when my daughter was going to UK and working in the student center gym and Tyrese and a couple other players walked in to work out their freshmen year and had his McDonalds All American gear on but didnt have his student ID with him. My daughter said sorry cant come in without it and Tyrese just paused a minute then smiled and said ok maam, and walked back and got his ID.

I remember my daughter texting me and saying, "I think I just ran Tyrese Maxey out of the student center. She said he couldnt have been nicer. Seemed a little stunned she didnt know him but never tried to play that up.
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He may just love Chick Fil A. Some people just love fast food. Warren Buffet once took Bill Gates to McDonalds for lunch and even used a coupon to pay. (True story) Buffet usually eats breakfast at McDonalds on a daily basis.
I'm a consultant and was doing some work a client in Houston. The guy is absolutely loaded, drove a Maybach or something crazy like that. For lunch he took me to Golden Corral. They guy running the company with him asked if he took me to Golden Corral when we got back and laughed. Said it was the guy's favorite place in the world to eat.
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Pippen’s contracts were criminal. Severely underpaid.
Pippen has gone off the deep end a bit (I guess when the son of the teammate whose shadow you've always lived in sleeps with your ex wife it's understandable), but he's definitely justified in feeling like his legacy got slighted because he played with Jordan. The guy was a bonafide superstar and the year Jordan was out Pippen carried the Bulls to the conference semis where they lost in game 7 to a very good Knicks team. The '94 Bulls without Jordan did better than the '95 Bulls with him back.

Without Jordan Pippen still probably wins a few titles and I'm guessing his legacy is viewed much more kindly than it is today.
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I'm a consultant and was doing some work a client in Houston. The guy is absolutely loaded, drove a Maybach or something crazy like that. For lunch he took me to Golden Corral. They guy running the company with him asked if he took me to Golden Corral when we got back and laughed. Said it was the guy's favorite place in the world to eat.

GREAT story!!!! Still laughing.
It’s the explosion of TV money. Where is the money supposed to go exactly? In the pockets of billionaire owners?

The CBA gives the players 50 percent of revenues.
There’s a big problem with the “tv money,” concept that no one ever seems to connect. Where does the TV money come from? A lot of it’s from commercials. Where does that the money to produce and show commercials come from? Your pocket because those huge marketing budgets drive up the price of products.
Pippen’s contracts were criminal. Severely underpaid.
Pippen’s first time being 1st team all NBA was the 93-94 season, so I looked at the salaries for that year. He had the 24th highest salary in the league. The craziest part is the top 5 paid guys in the league that year:

1. David Robinson
2. Buck Williams
3. John Williams
4. Vlade Divac
5. Ron Harper
Insane money floating around especially for role players, like others said. Plus dont forget they are also subsidizing the g league and wnba too.

Thats why this upcoming tv deal has to be massive because otherwise there literally wont be enough money to go around. Its also interesting because the nba keeps losing more and more tv viewers. So they need to absolutely score on this deal with s product fewer people are watching.

Jmo if they're smart they will have huge carve outs for social media because the current state of their game is highlight friendly. People love seeing the occasional highlight instead of tuning in to a full game and watch most guys jog through the season.
They literally get a percentage of the revenue. They’re doing well because the league is doing well. I can’t stop laughing at people who don’t watch the NBA being experts on the NBA. Most guys don’t job through the season, that’s a talking point created by people who don’t watch the NBA.

Do you think adam silver is lying when he openly talks about their challenges in reaching a new (shorter attention span) social media world? It isnt some secret they are struggling with viewership. Its a fact. Its also a fact their business does very well on social media platforms. Jmo but thats because people still like the nba, but the games are just too long and often guys jog, load management, etc.

So the nba isnt failing. It just hasnt yet figured out how to 1) properly monetize their social media impressions and/or 2) bring in more tv viewers.

Thats why this upcoming deal is so important. These teams are currently doing well because 1) their current deal is so good (before the decline) and 2) the selling of sponsorships on jerseys, etc. However this upcoming deal needs to be both rich enough but just long enough to get them through this transition period and in position to up their price once they figure it out. And it seems theyre going to try to do it without perhaps their most valuable tv IP which is around the nba.
I don't understand those that claim to hate socialism, but also hate those in a profession that receive their income from the revenue of the association that they work for.
I know it's TV money. It's just crazy how much they're able to pay and they acquire these products simply to produce advertising. It's just mind boggling to see how powerful advertising is.
Especially considering everyone claims to never watch the NBA.
I don't understand those that claim to hate socialism, but also hate those in a profession that receive their income from the revenue of the association that they work for.

That’s not what it is. Capitalism works if you work it within common sense perimeters and with some ethical considerations. We are not doing that at all anymore. The way we’re doing this it will eventually collapse first within the political structure and then we won’t even have the option of making this kind of money. I’m not going to get into the historical implications and derail, but history is clear of what happens in democratic societies when the poor are tripled while a few prosper. I’m all for capitalism but we’re moving beyond that. And nobody loves this more than people who hate capitalism because they know it. You cannot have a system with large portions of poor and few elite wealth. It will not work anymore than socialism won’t.

Having said that from a basketball standpoint that’s a lot of money to get to play ball.
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That’s not what it is. Capitalism works if you work it within common sense perimeters and with some ethical considerations. We are not doing that at all anymore. The way we’re doing this it will eventually collapse first within the political structure and then we won’t even have the option of making this kind of money. I’m not going to get into the historical implications and derail, but history is clear of what happens in democratic societies when the poor are tripled while a few prosper. I’m all for capitalism but we’re moving beyond that. And nobody loves this more than people who hate capitalism because they know it. You cannot have a system with large portions of poor and few elite wealth. It will not work anymore than socialism won’t.

Having said that from a basketball standpoint that’s a lot of money to get to play ball.
Good point. Someone remind the rest of the world how bad it is to be poor in the US. The poor are obese, have cell phones, cars and homes. Just like being rich is relative so is being poor.
Especially considering everyone claims to never watch the NBA.
The NBA definitely has a huge international fan base. It trails football and baseball here in the U.S. though and in some polls, even college football.
That's why the average Joe can't go to a game. It's over $1000 if you purchase decent seats. Plus food and drinks. Easily another $200 for a family of 4.
It won't change and I won't spend my money on a game again. Really poor product.
Hell it's crazy what it cost me to take my grandkids to a UK game. I wanted my grandkids to experience Rupp and it was great but I ate beans for a few weeks after!!
You can go to most Pacers games for $20 bucks.