Maui Invitational This Year Looks Fun

You know what’s great Kansas and UNC announces a home and home. The next day we announce that we are playing UNC Wilmington this year. I miss the good old days of playing home / home with the big time schools and the Maui type tournaments.

Wish we were there......
Gonna try to make it!!

We are already playing Gonzaga, KU and UT (twice). That's enough for me.
You know what’s great Kansas and UNC announces a home and home. The next day we announce that we are playing UNC Wilmington this year. I miss the good old days of playing home / home with the big time schools and the Maui type tournaments.
I agree about the in-season tournaments...I love those things. I think people often glorify what the schedule used to be in terms of home/home series, when it actually isn't that different than what it is now. I went back 25 years to look and see major conference teams that we played home or road games with compared to the past 5 years:

1998 - GaTech, UL

1999 - Maryland, UL

2000 - Maryland, UL, Michigan State

2001 - Penn State, UNC, Michigan State, UL

2002 - UNC, UL. ND


2023 -
Gonzaga, UL, Kansas

2022 - ND, Kansas

2020 - GaTech, UL, Texas Tech

2019 - Utah, UL, Kansas

2018 - VaTech, UL, WVU

The idea that we play less home and home games with major programs is actually a myth. What has happened is we have replaced those in-season tournaments with cupcakes. We definitely play more cupcakes now, but have the same amount of home and home. As an example in 1998, we had 4 cupcakes (Morehead, Canisius, Tulsa, American) and this past year, we had 9 cupcakes .
Maui invitational always seems like the most intense tournament all year. Even over a lot of March games.

I mean intensity from the players, not the environment.
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for those of you who have been to this. did you buy a package that included airfare, hotel, tickets, ETC? If so, how much do those packages typically run?
I mean intensity from the players, not the environment.
I think the environment too. Something that's always stood out to me watching Maui over the years was the in-game crowd environment ...the place always seems packed with the fans sounding loud, excited and involved.

It offers a stark contrast to the dead crowds and empty seats you see at other early season neutral site games.
Anybody remember The Great Alaskan Shootout?
Wayne Turner tells a great story about getting lost on a snow mobile at the Great Alaskan Shootout. Found this in an article about it:

Kentucky guard Wayne Turner found out in 1996 how cold it can get in Alaska. The Wildcats were visiting Iditarod champion Martin Buser at his home in Big Lake, and several players took a snowmachine ride.

"I was on a one-man machine, and we had taken turns riding it, and I went out by myself, " Turner said. "… I heard the place was very cold, it got dark early in the evening, and there were dog sleds.

"I was having a great time. It was fun, and I didn't want to stop."

Back at Buser's house, the rest of the team joked about Turner's solo ride. But the banter ended when 2.5 hours passed without Turner's return.

"We became really concerned, " said Brooks Downing, Kentucky's sports information director. "I had been to Alaska before, and I know what that Last Frontier wilderness is like."

Turner tried to find a trail back to Buser's house, but darkness hampered his effort.

"I tried to keep backtracking, because after a while I thought some of my teammates would find me, " he said.

He finally bumped into two local snowmachiners and followed them back to their house.

"I told them who I was, that I had gotten lost and we were visiting this guy who had won a big race, " Turner said. "It surprised me that they knew who I was talking about."

The couple guided Turner back to Buser's.

"It was scary when it got dark and started to get cold, " said Turner. "There were nice views in Alaska, and it's really pretty with the snow. But I'd rather live in Boston than Alaska."
Wayne Turner tells a great story about getting lost on a snow mobile at the Great Alaskan Shootout. Found this in an article about it:

Kentucky guard Wayne Turner found out in 1996 how cold it can get in Alaska. The Wildcats were visiting Iditarod champion Martin Buser at his home in Big Lake, and several players took a snowmachine ride.

"I was on a one-man machine, and we had taken turns riding it, and I went out by myself, " Turner said. "… I heard the place was very cold, it got dark early in the evening, and there were dog sleds.

"I was having a great time. It was fun, and I didn't want to stop."

Back at Buser's house, the rest of the team joked about Turner's solo ride. But the banter ended when 2.5 hours passed without Turner's return.

"We became really concerned, " said Brooks Downing, Kentucky's sports information director. "I had been to Alaska before, and I know what that Last Frontier wilderness is like."

Turner tried to find a trail back to Buser's house, but darkness hampered his effort.

"I tried to keep backtracking, because after a while I thought some of my teammates would find me, " he said.

He finally bumped into two local snowmachiners and followed them back to their house.

"I told them who I was, that I had gotten lost and we were visiting this guy who had won a big race, " Turner said. "It surprised me that they knew who I was talking about."

The couple guided Turner back to Buser's.

"It was scary when it got dark and started to get cold, " said Turner. "There were nice views in Alaska, and it's really pretty with the snow. But I'd rather live in Boston than Alaska."
Great story…I met him on Maui at a Maui Invitational… nice guy…

About 20 years ago we were all playing some PS2 CBB game, and our custom team got a message asking us to play in the Maui invitational. I said out loud, “how do you get into the Maui Invitational?” Now what I meant was, what criteria must you meet to get invited.

But everyone got quiet and my friend said, “you get invited, dumbass.” Everyone died laughing for 5 min straight.

So for the past 20 years if someone asks a dumb question, one of my friends will follow it up with, “and, how do you get to the Maui invitational?”
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@HICATFAN are you all good?
Aloha bbncal02 and all you BBN folks…

Yes, we’re good, we live on Oahu…

But, Maui and the Big Island - especially Maui is devastated … Front Street in Lahaina is basically gone…homes in and around Lahaina left with only foundations…the speed of this wall of flames was unreal…residents literally running for their lives - running from their homes, some into the water to escape the flames…Upcountry Maui is also experiencing heavy wind-whipped fires destroying homes along the way…

While it is not in context with the suffering and losses that have taken place… I suspect the Maui Invitational will be cancelled, postponed or moved to another location…in the scheme of what has transpired… that’s not important…

If you pray… please remember the folks on Maui and the Big Island in your prayers…🙏🏻

With Aloha,

You’re a trip, man.

You won’t burst into flames if you go against Cal. Bahamas and Canada trips weren’t even part of the regular season lol.
I disagree with Cal a lot. But I don't make up sh!t to disagree with him about. But there might be flames in Maui now?

I wish we would go to Maui. I would be there. Would you?
I disagree with Cal a lot. But I don't make up sh!t to disagree with him about. But there might be flames in Maui now?

I wish we would go to Maui. I would be there. Would you?
I’ll take your word for it, but never seen you say anything remotely against Cal.

Yeah, I’d grab a beer with you. I’m sure you’re much more personable in real life vs on here.
I was there for that tip in..Met the team, RP, Bill Keightly, and others. Fun trip and nice place.
Too bad with the fires that almost all of Lahaina old town has been destroyed. Cheeseburger in Paradise in gone-burned along with a lot of other businesses. 36 lives lost so far. I live in So Calif and have experienced the fires that change lives. But what really in important is God is still on charge and we feel protection.

God bless the folks on Maui.
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So sad. I absolutely love Lahaina. The amazing Banyan tree is gone now too, I think 😞 150 year old tree
Just look at the quality teams in there. Imagine us being in that Chaminade spot. Or Swap them with UCLA and put in that spot. UK vs Marquette for a shot at either UCLA/KU. I mean win or lose that's some fun matchups!

Ugh. Normally this hasn't bothered me but with wonky scheduling in the past few seasons this would have been a blast with the group we've got this year. Imagine seeing DJ and Reed out there against some of these teams. Classic UK BBall.
I love the optimism, but our guys haven't done anything yet.