Masters of the Universe


Feb 4, 2004
I just saw the newly released 1st pic of Battlecat from the new MOTU...I didn't realize they were making a new one...I am excited to see it as I grew up on He-Man, Transformers, etc...I can only hope it is much better than that Dolph Lundgren crap they made years ago...I don't see how it could not be any better,

This post was edited on 3/4 5:45 PM by TCurtis75
I hope this movie gets made but its been kicked around from studio to studio for at least a decade. The guys that's over the production said he envisioned a movie similar to Guardians of the Galaxy. I'll take that but I wish it was more in the way of Lord of the Rings. I was an 80's child so I, like so many others, loved these toys.

Battle Cat
I was always a mark for Ram Man. Best fullback ever.

The original movie may have sucked, but Courtney Cox was looking good in it. First movie I recall seeing her in.
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