Based on the success of the Avenger's, Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor films and the success of movies like Guardians of the Galaxy, and Ant-Man and the upcoming film slate which includes another Spider-Man reboot (although I'm actually looking forward to this unlike the 2012 Andy Garfield version), a sequel to Thor, GotG and Ant-Man, two sequels to the Avengers, as well as the much anticipated Dr. Strange and Black Panther films, not to mention the success of the Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.D and Daredevil TV/Netflix series, is it safe to say that the Marvel Studios cinematic universe has outdone Star Wars as the premiere cinematic/television universe?
This is coming from a huge Star Wars nerd, but I'd actually have to say yes. The Marvel films (not counting any of the Ghost Rider, Fantastic Four, X-Men, previous Spider-Man films, or the Hulk film from the early 2000's) has earned in excess of $10 billion dollars world-wide since the first 'Iron Man' film started it all back in 2008. The Phase III slate has a ton of movies that, if past success is any indicator, should all be amazing films and will all likely be huge earners at the box-office. The future looks bright for the MCU and I'm definitely looking forward to see what they bring to the table with the new installments.
This is coming from a huge Star Wars nerd, but I'd actually have to say yes. The Marvel films (not counting any of the Ghost Rider, Fantastic Four, X-Men, previous Spider-Man films, or the Hulk film from the early 2000's) has earned in excess of $10 billion dollars world-wide since the first 'Iron Man' film started it all back in 2008. The Phase III slate has a ton of movies that, if past success is any indicator, should all be amazing films and will all likely be huge earners at the box-office. The future looks bright for the MCU and I'm definitely looking forward to see what they bring to the table with the new installments.