Mark Pope "KY 'Til I Die"

Now compare Pope's passion to the last clown coach we had, who constantly belittled our fan base by calling us "Bennies" and essentially saying our opinions were worthless.

So glad we have new life and new blood in this program. If Pope gets this thing rolling, we'll have him here for 15-20 years of basketball excellence and constant passion for the program.
They need to have those for sale in Lexington by Big Blue Madness.

I thought 2010-15 John Calipari was the perfect Coach for UK (because he understood it so well) and we could never do better. I was wrong. Pope isn't there as far as National Achievement (yet) but no Coach of his level understands Kentucky better than him. I love everything about Pope.
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Cal’s disdain for the fanbase is the same reason he wasn’t recruiting Johnson or Moreno hard or at all. He never liked having KY kids on the roster bc the pressure to play them. Perry was essentially told to go else where and was a courtesy offer bc he’s the all time leading scorer. Shep is legacy and Cal knew the lash back from not recruiting him would be way bigger than if he had him rostered and only used him in spot minutes. Luckily Shep forced him to play bc he was a lotto pick.
Now compare Pope's passion to the last clown coach we had, who constantly belittled our fan base by calling us "Bennies" and essentially saying our opinions were worthless.

So glad we have new life and new blood in this program. If Pope gets this thing rolling, we'll have him here for 15-20 years of basketball excellence and constant passion for the program.
Woah slow down a bit. I’ve had a long history of following UK basketball. I actually coined a phrase “ shelf life” in regard to UK bball coaches back in the latter Rupp years and Joe B Hall days. Based it on the tenure of coaches in ND football.

I thought back then about 10 years was the shelf life of a UK bball HC. Still believe it.

And I’m with you on CMP. Perfect guy with the exact style of play. So much pride passion and energy.
Just think if Oats or Drew were here as mercenary's, going through the motions. No way I could get excited about either of them.

So Re-energized!

I would have found a way to get excited. Especially with their pedigree. But we were in desperate need of a culture change as much as anything and Pope probably achieves that more than anyone. Not sure the other guys would have embraced making it about UK again like Pope has.