Louisville Hate Week

I hate their fan-base year round regardless of the final score. I know there are some reasonable card fans out there but you all are just too far and in between.:sunglasses:
Our buddy "Senore" is going to run back to his little board and cry that we were being "jerks".....
I know when jerks are called for, lol. This is a thread designed for jerks. Truth is, I feel at home here, lol. I mean, I posted here, right?

Please continue.
.....Don't you have some 'gardening' to do, D-bag?
D'bag gardeners, lol. I've seen it all, now!! Have mercy, please.:smiley:


Senore got his 15 seconds and glad he departed.
So are you, lol - glad I departed. I got a million of em. I'm in San Diego for the holidays. Thankful as hell not to be in Kentucky for a positively psychotic hate week. But dig in. is my advice. Make it mean a lot.
So are you, lol - glad I departed. I got a million of em. I'm in San Diego for the holidays. Thankful as hell not to be in Kentucky for a positively psychotic hate week. But dig in. is my advice. Make it mean a lot.

No offense Senore but I have read many a post on the UL and other message boards by you degrading and stereotyping UK fans in pretty much every way possible. Not sure it's appropriate for you to then show up on a UK board speaking of toning down the rhetoric and hatred that you for years have been a happily active participant.

To then expect graciousness when you post a message on a UK board replete with several not so subtle digs at UK fans is kinda the height of absurdity. Me thinks you doth protest too much. Seems you like the hate and vitriol more than most.

Maybe you have another theory you can share with all of us about how UK boosters and alumni are complicit in the ongoing prostitution scandal emanating from that bastion of integrity that you call UL and their shining beacon of moral authority Ricky P. I have seen multiple theories on that from you personally and plenty of your brethren. That theory alone is one I think quite psychotic myself. What do I know however, i am only a very casual message board poster. Not a seasoned veteran such as yourself. Maybe you could teach us all the virtues of opposing rival fandom.

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