Louisville Assistant Ralph Willard taking indefinite leave of absence

For those of you throwing jokes, this isn't a laughing matter. Ralph started with these heart issues after news of these allegations was released. Like Deener said this morning, Ralph much like Rick has been unable to sleep because of this and wakes up throughout the night worrying. Someone's health is not a laughing matter. I am worried about both he and Rick's health. Bob Valvano has been saying for over a week now that these investigation can really do damage to coaches health. His brother basically got cancer from the investigation he went through at NC State according to Bob. I know we are fans of opposite teams but let's not forget these guys are humans and have families like the rest of us. ESCORTino is a dirtbag like you and your uavel cronies..He probably has a STD from Karen and Ralphie caught it in the shower where he and ESCORTino play footsie.I don't give a rats ass if ESCORTino is not sleeping or if you are hiding in your Mother's basement Dweeb..Now run along Junior..This board is for adults,:chairshot:

Ralph needs to step away from this for his own sake and safety. We can only hope that this doesn't do harm to Rick and his health in the process. I think we can all agree on that no matter which side we root for.
For those of you throwing jokes, this isn't a laughing matter. Ralph started with these heart issues after news of these allegations was released. Like Deener said this morning, Ralph much like Rick has been unable to sleep because of this and wakes up throughout the night worrying. Someone's health is not a laughing matter. I am worried about both he and Rick's health. Bob Valvano has been saying for over a week now that these investigation can really do damage to coaches health. His brother basically got cancer from the investigation he went through at NC State according to Bob. I know we are fans of opposite teams but let's not forget these guys are humans and have families like the rest of us. Pitino is not Human.He's garbage

Ralph needs to step away from this for his own sake and safety. We can only hope that this doesn't do harm to Rick and his health in the process. I think we can all agree on that no matter which side we root for.
Maybe this is like the Southpark episode with Magic Johnson and aids. Magic slept on a mattress of money and it cured him. Maybe whores is the treatment for UL and their staff for whatever ails them.
For those of you throwing jokes, this isn't a laughing matter. Ralph started with these heart issues after news of these allegations was released. Like Deener said this morning, Ralph much like Rick has been unable to sleep because of this and wakes up throughout the night worrying. Someone's health is not a laughing matter. I am worried about both he and Rick's health. Bob Valvano has been saying for over a week now that these investigation can really do damage to coaches health. His brother basically got cancer from the investigation he went through at NC State according to Bob. I know we are fans of opposite teams but let's not forget these guys are humans and have families like the rest of us.

Ralph needs to step away from this for his own sake and safety. We can only hope that this doesn't do harm to Rick and his health in the process. I think we can all agree on that no matter which side we root for.

If he's losing sleep over this than that pretty much says he knows they were cheating. Wouldn't you agree?

I'm sure everyone wishes nothing but the best for Ralph but we are still going to discuss this especially knowing how many times Pitino has exaggerated sickness and injuries.