Louisville Assistant Ralph Willard taking indefinite leave of absence

"It was the greatest gift of friendship I'd ever witnessed,..."

How do people listen to Pitino, with his endless barrage of superlatives, greatest this, bestest that, and not just laugh in his face?
Not surprised that you're a little overwhelmed by the greatest orator of our time.
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Willard said Pitino asked him to take the leave of absence. With stressful times ahead for the program in the wake of a book alleging former U of L director of basketball operations Andre McGee had hired escorts for potential recruits, the head coach didn't want his friend to have to deal with that, and his health issues. He began to experience some problems shortly after the allegations came to the attention of the staff.

It can get stressful when you've got Katina and her band of happy hookers turning tricks in the dorm for recruits. This is soooo Pitino.
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So, the contours of the "Escape Plan" begin to swim into view...

Willard takes the blame for channeling the cash to McGee. He swears Pitino knew nothing. Pitino then provides cover for Jurich. Willard is a logical fall guy because he -- unlike McGee -- was far enough up the food chain to plausibly have access to the slush fund.

Willard is 69, and Jurich can make sure his generous pension is in place and booster hush money flows his way to assure his silence. McGee is toast as a college assistant coach, but Pitino will figure out a way to get him an NBA 'scout job' to keep him quiet.

This is the Fire Wall. We'll see if it holds.
Willard said Pitino asked him to take the leave of absence. With stressful times ahead for the program in the wake of a book alleging former U of L director of basketball operations Andre McGee had hired escorts for potential recruits, the head coach didn't want his friend to have to deal with that, and his health issues. He began to experience some problems shortly after the allegations came to the attention of the staff.

It can get stressful when you've got Katina and her band of happy hookers turning tricks in the dorm for recruits. This is soooo Pitino.

They prefer to be called "free range strippers." [laughing]
They are keeping him tied up and muzzled until this passes over so he doesn't talk
Spot on. If he was working for Little Brothel, he would HAVE to talk to the NCAA. If he is not employed, he is under no obligation to talk. No doubt this is part of the cover-up. They can say that they want 100% of the truth to be told and no one has been instructed to lie. But like everything else with that corrupt athletic department, ....that is also a lie!

Spot on. If he was working for Little Brothel, he would HAVE to talk to the NCAA. If he is not employed, he is under no obligation to talk. No doubt this is part of the cover-up. They can say that they want 100% of the truth to be told and no one has been instructed to lie. But like everything else with that corrupt athletic department, ....that is also a lie!


That is why I call them our lil b!+[# sister lol!! Thry are OUR B!+€#!!!
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I wonder if health is the only reason for his absense... However, I do not wish poor health on the man and hope nothing is wrong with him.
Doubt it. Hell, they just brought him back a few months ago. So in 4-5 months his health has deteriorated that much? No, this is all part of their plan to minimize what happened and to make it all go away. Why Willard would play along with this and ruin his reputation is anyone's guess but like MdWildcat said, this is part of the plan and Willard has made himself a lot more money by agreeing to be one of the fall guys.

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I'm thinking Forde is writing his next "YOU MADE YOUR BED, RICK... NOW LAY IN IT!" piece on UL even as we read here in this thread. I know you guys agree with me and I fully expect him to come out with it any day now.
Willard said of Pitino: "He's making me do this."

I have ran companies since 1993, never knew I could just make people take indefinite leave of absence...

Your not fired, you just can't come back to work.
^The Gentlemen's Club by Louisville Men. Free one hour massage on your first visit*.

*extra $15 charge for friend laying on the ground listening.
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Can he really not be forced to answer questions if he's on a leave of absence? Seems like the ncaa would view this as uncooperative and hence throw the book@ uofsmell. Hopefully it becomes a criminal investigation then he takes a reputation hit and still has to talk