Literally no Front Court


Jan 26, 2004
Literally none. Worst front court in SEC. No rebounders. No post moves. It’s our single biggest issue. 21 feet of nothing to see here.
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I'm convinced the only chance this team has it to let Big Z go and play through mistakes and play big mins. He's tall, big and our best shot by far out of the 7 footers.

Big Z hasn't had a chance since his coming out party. A min here 2 or 3 there. He needs a chance to get a rhythm.

However I know Cow will not free Z so it's over. Bradshaw and O are softer than charmin.
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Bradshaw getting bullied on the rebound that led to kerfuffle and Dilly’s 3rd foul was a back breaker
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Ugo, Mitchell and Bradshaw combined had 4 pts. Aidoo, James and Awaka had 41. Also, Rob, Reeves and Shep had 72 pts. Ziegler, Knecht and Vescovi had 53.