Larry Brown press conference

Larry Brown putting SMU on probation after serious violations is maybe the least shocking thing to ever happen. How has he not been fired already?

The athletic director of SMU is Rick Hart! Who is Rick Hart you ask?

"A graduate of UNC, Hart earned a bachelor's degree in Physical Education, Health and Sport Science. Hart and his wife, Allison, also a graduate of North Carolina, are proud parents of Trevor and Caroline."

You cannot make this stuff up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I were Larry Brown I would hold a press conference and it would last about 1 minute. I would start off by thanking everyone for coming and then I would simply state, "I understand the ncaa is trying to suspend me, however until they handle that dumpster fire at unc I along with the rest of the nation's universities will not be accepting any punishments handed down by them." Immediately followed by a microphone drop.
my press conference would start out with MR.EMMERT what about north Carolina,and would end with see you in court.

He's a complete cheater just like they are, and plus, he's their ol' buddy. He learned from them. He ain't, not in a million years, gonna roll on his beloved sissy blue. Once a cheater from UNC, always a cheater.
The NCAA has no credibility with their inconsistent and arbitrary penalties being handed down. SMU needs to consider sueing the NCAA regarding this latest banishment and site UNC, dUKe and KU and their numerous violations. Cronyism is alive and well in sports.
Although it's his protector, Cal has had nada to tweet today about Brown. I suppose when you get charged with lying to investigators, there's precious little TO say. But sure, the speed of this investigation is amazing considering Brown has been there only 2 years.
He's a complete cheater just like they are, and plus, he's their ol' buddy. He learned from them. He ain't, not in a million years, gonna roll on his beloved sissy blue. Once a cheater from UNC, always a cheater.

Larry Brown was from NYC and was one of the many NYC players brought in to UNC by street agents being paid under the table by UNC. The scandal runs deep in Chapel HIll. Dean and Frank were running the biggest scandal in the NCAA back in the day!
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So we've seen SMU and Syracuse get hit for cheating to get/keep players eligible academically now since the UNC investigation has been under way.

Surely this can't bode well for UNC. I mean, the NCAA has to hit them hard now right? With SMU it was because of 1 player. Syracuse was on a bigger scale but still nothing compared to what went on at UNC.

My fear is that the NCAA is stalling because they are afraid of an impending law suit from a program with a ton of rich alumni backing it that have already threatened to lawyer up and they're doing everything they can to find a way out of punishing them.

My hope is its just taking longer because of the magnitude and scope of the situation.

The truth is, the NCAA has a pretty obvious history of arbitrarily enforcing its policies so I don't doubt for a second that UNC would ultimately win a lawsuit.
If I were Larry Brown I would hold a press conference and it would last about 1 minute. I would start off by thanking everyone for coming and then I would simply state, "I understand the ncaa is trying to suspend me, however until they handle that dumpster fire at unc I along with the rest of the nation's universities will not be accepting any punishments handed down by them." Immediately followed by a microphone drop.

You do realize Brown is a UNC grad and considered a prettly close member of the UNC family, right? Maybe those are the words he "should" say, but there's no way he's throwing his alma mater under the bus like that.
Didn't Cal give huge praise to Larry Brown for mentoring him or something along those lines. I know they are good friends. What has Cal said or tweeted about the situation.
I'm still of the belief that nothing much will happen to UNC*** CHEATERS.
I don't think they will have any titles or any games taken away. Money talks !
Let's lay the law down on a UNC alum who we've done it to before. That way when we let UNC go free of any penalties we can say look, we just smacked down one of their own. We have no bias. None. No fear of Big Tobacco.
In all fairness, I ask one question:

How in the hell else can you somehow recruit basketball players to play at SMU without cheating?

I agree with everything else you've said in this thread about Brown. But people said how the hell do you get players like Calipari did to come to the hell hole of Memphis ...... We all know cause it's about the coach and not the school nowadays. Most of the kids except for Xavier and his brother knew UK + Cal was the perfect fit. cal even mentioned in his hall of fame speech, it took a job like UK to help him get to this point.

The main difference is Cal loves and stands up,for his players. Brown is known for not getting along with players. Brown is still getting paid by multiple pro teams if I understand correctly . At one time he was being paid by Pistons, Knicks and bobcats. You think he cares what the NCAA will do to him at his age. I'm surprised he didn't push the mudiay issue and try and play him
Larry Brown is 3 for 3 now on college teams he put on probation UCLA, Kansas, SMU Those are the only 3 places I know he coached don't care enough to wiki it. Carolina way baby.
I thought UNC had so many days to respond, then on the last day, reported more infractions , which meant we won't know until after football and basketball , which restarted the clock.

I'm guessing SMU isn't as savvy
If I were Larry Brown I would hold a press conference and it would last about 1 minute. I would start off by thanking everyone for coming and then I would simply state, "I understand the ncaa is trying to suspend me, however until they handle that dumpster fire at unc I along with the rest of the nation's universities will not be accepting any punishments handed down by them." Immediately followed by a microphone drop.

but you are missing the point!

Larry Brown is a UNC Grad. He is not going to RAT on his on University of which He was on the BENCH at UNC back in the 60's/70's when all this started under the DEAN.

it is totally comical how this is transpiring.....
So we've seen SMU and Syracuse get hit for cheating to get/keep players eligible academically now since the UNC investigation has been under way.

Surely this can't bode well for UNC. I mean, the NCAA has to hit them hard now right? With SMU it was because of 1 player. Syracuse was on a bigger scale but still nothing compared to what went on at UNC.

Cuse and SMU were athletic situations. UNC is school-wide.
You do realize Brown is a UNC grad and considered a prettly close member of the UNC family, right? Maybe those are the words he "should" say, but there's no way he's throwing his alma mater under the bus like that.

exactly............fall on the sword for his alma mater