Didn't your get the memo, SMU is taking the bullet for UNCheating?Meanwhile in Chapel Hill...crickets.
Larry Brown putting SMU on probation after serious violations is maybe the least shocking thing to ever happen. How has he not been fired already?
Larry Brown putting SMU on probation after serious violations is maybe the least shocking thing to ever happen. How has he not been fired already?
my press conference would start out with MR.EMMERT what about north Carolina,and would end with see you in court.
He's a complete cheater just like they are, and plus, he's their ol' buddy. He learned from them. He ain't, not in a million years, gonna roll on his beloved sissy blue. Once a cheater from UNC, always a cheater.
If I were Larry Brown I would hold a press conference and it would last about 1 minute. I would start off by thanking everyone for coming and then I would simply state, "I understand the ncaa is trying to suspend me, however until they handle that dumpster fire at unc I along with the rest of the nation's universities will not be accepting any punishments handed down by them." Immediately followed by a microphone drop.
In all fairness, I ask one question:
How in the hell else can you somehow recruit basketball players to play at SMU without cheating?
If I were Larry Brown I would hold a press conference and it would last about 1 minute. I would start off by thanking everyone for coming and then I would simply state, "I understand the ncaa is trying to suspend me, however until they handle that dumpster fire at unc I along with the rest of the nation's universities will not be accepting any punishments handed down by them." Immediately followed by a microphone drop.
So we've seen SMU and Syracuse get hit for cheating to get/keep players eligible academically now since the UNC investigation has been under way.
Surely this can't bode well for UNC. I mean, the NCAA has to hit them hard now right? With SMU it was because of 1 player. Syracuse was on a bigger scale but still nothing compared to what went on at UNC.
You do realize Brown is a UNC grad and considered a prettly close member of the UNC family, right? Maybe those are the words he "should" say, but there's no way he's throwing his alma mater under the bus like that.