KSR keeps hinting a Front Court player will still be added..

None were as great as Donald Williams though. He was added out of nowhere and then never saw the floor before transferring. What was the kid from Southern Cals name like 10 years ago? Was a 6-5 power forward who we looked at late.
None were as great as Donald Williams though. He was added out of nowhere and then never saw the floor before transferring. What was the kid from Southern Cals name like 10 years ago? Was a 6-5 power forward who we looked at late.
I remember looking at Leonard Washington a couple of times. His name seemed to pop up every couple of months. He was an old Frosty Tips special/BEAST. I'm not sure if that's who you are thinking about.
Believe he was from a little town called 'None of Your Gotdamn Business."
Ultimately, I think this is another Kadeem Jack situation.

Or dare I say, a Chris Hill situation? We were certainly scrambling after we "missed" on Jones. Pretty sure Hill ended up being a 22 year old posing as a teenager and I wonder whatever happened to Luke Cothron...
MJ definitely knows more than your "average' RR argue otherwise is stupid. Does he know more than everyone? I doubt that, but I doubt redneck Joe from eastern KY on here knows as much about some insider stuff as MJ (not necessarily recruiting inside stuff but overall inside UK basketball).
Hey @$$hole. Do not refer to eastern kentucky as redneck. Call Mr. kash that to his face!
So, I'll take that as a 'No.'

Look, I'm no critic. I don't even live in the area, and have never listened to his show. It may be great entertainment. I can't say. But he has duped some people into believing he is "in-the-loop' as the poster to whom I was responding said.

Yet, I've never seen him come up with a piece of credible information over the past several years -- never. And no one responding here can cite an example to refute that charge. (What I mean by credible information is if he'd posted a couple hours ahead of time 'Jamal Murray will be a Cat.' Or 'Jaylen Brown has turned down Kentucky.' He has NEVER had a clear win on a piece of recruiting news.)

Matt Jones said several times that if Murray was to decide on the 24th he was told it was going to be Kentucky. When it first came out he was deciding before the 24th, MJ was not as positve. But then the day got changed to the 24th and MJ said that was the day he was told a long time ago. He was on the record saying it would be on the 24th before that was ever made public. So there is your proof he "was in the loop".
When everyone thought Murray was going to announce on the 22nd, Matt said "well if that is the case that doesn't look good, cause I always heard it was gonna be on the 24th".
Sure enough, everyone was wrong about the date, and Murray announced on the 24th just as MJ said it would be.

I don't mean to be rude, but if you say MJ isn't in the loop you either have some kind of extreme hate or jealousy for MJ or you are just ignorant to the whole situation.

Anyone who honestly thinks MJ isn't connnected is completely clueless
Does he know more than the common folk, probably. I also wouldn't put it past him to intentionally say something that isn't true to keep people interested though. No one can call him out on it, so it is basically like it never happened.
Sigh- no Matt Jones isn't some huge recruiting insider but all of you are fooling yourselves if you think he doesn't have some insider info when it comes to UK sports, especially basketball.

He is the radio "face" of UK basketball with a marginally successful TV show, VERY successful radio show and a huge internet presence. He knows stuff, maybe not all the time, and he is wrong sometimes but he knows way more than anybody here- especially our resident "insiders" on RR lol.

Sounds like some of you are a bit #jelly of Matt Jones and his success?

Sour grapes? Mmmmm they're tart aren't they ??
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Didn't Matt Jones get hand picked by Calipari himself to tour with him with the National Championship trophey?

Wasn't there a video of Matt Jones in Calipari's office shower while he was doing a video of all access UK?
I think Maggard really scarred a lot of people when it comes to UK insiders. It's not like Jones is asking 500 bucks for a lifetime of news.
I've heard of Matt Jones, but I'm not sure why anyone thinks a duke player would have inside info about uk
MJ is not the first one to say there may be another addition. I heard that from another source after Murray committed.
Nobody has mentioned yet that Matt Jones knows less than the average poster on this board. He can float this idea around to get people to listen, but he can't produce an actual name because he is making it up. I just can't understand for the life of me why anyone listens to Jones or takes stock in anything that he says. He is a nerd who knows nothing about the game of basketball. He's nothing more than an attention seeker.
Your comment oozes envy. Jones is smart and by any standard successful. He has gone from a "fan" to having one of the most successful college sites in the country. He's working the sidelines DURING the games. Even if he were a complete idiot, he might learn something that "the average fan" doesn't know. Jones is no idiot,