Why is Chandler playing?
Pope insisting on crunch time Chandler just boggles my mind
5 mins left why is Chandler in the game ? Sorry but we have to win this we have to have our best 5 in there right now.
Pope stop with crush on chandler.
The board speaks the truth , WTH are we doing .Noah > Chandler
Pope. Please. See that.
5. One for every loss.How many banked in 3’s have been hit against us this year? Smh
71, but yes!!Hopefully the rule of 70 works...
This is a very legitimate possibility. Davis was sentenced to basically standing in the corner while the cal guys did what they do. Now cal will have to let Davis do what hes actually good at.
Wouldn't be the first time an injury forced cal to play guys in a way that was actually better for winning college games. Hell last year he did it two different times with the bigs being out then wagner being out.
Missed FTs are killing us.
8-15 from the line
Yeah, even 3/5 of those misses and it’s right at a double digit lead stillThose 5 missedFTs
Those 5 missed FTs May turn out to be the difference
He acts scared every time he touches the ballWHY IS CHANDLER IN THE GAME??????????????????