Kentucky vs Arkansas Game Thread

Same issue all year. Even in the winsā€¦..leaving guys open for 3 gets you beat most nights. Tennessee just couldnā€™t hit anything.
You should have known Arky would shoot lights out tonight. They havenā€™t played this good all year.
Sure but right now they arenā€™t shooting lights out. They are shooting like the whole team is Steph Curry.
If Z is in the game, Pope needs to put Amari down low and stop putting him at the top. Zcant play D
No pg is killing us.

Arkansas is very wisely having dj turn our ball handler away from williams, making it hard to get the ball to our best current ball handler.

Really smart and well scouted. Telling too because we know cal actually doesn't watch film but they all were all in on this game.

Now we're cals Superbowl.
Chandler has size and athleticism. Heā€™s just a bit of a spaz at this stage. Nice drive and finish.
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