No, the shooter kicked his damn leg out and the refs bought that crapWell Butler really needed to hit that 3 at the buzzer because he really fcked up on D giving up a 4 point play
Sorry but that was a foul on Butler you can't land in his landing space his feet was right there yes he was falling back but that was Butler jumping into his landing spot. Refs mostly suck but they called that one right.He was falling back before he even landed. These need to be investigated
Watch it again. He kicked his leg out to the side to hit ButlerSorry but that was a foul on Butler you can't land in his landing space his feet was right there yes he was falling back but that was Butler jumping into his landing spot. Refs mostly suck but they called that one right.
The leg kick by shooters has made that call a nightmare. The kid wasn’t even touched.He doesn’t have to give the shooter room to land when the shooter jumps towards the defender.
Hahaha. OkI don’t love it — that’s punk ass shit that we don’t do at UK
He got kicked.Way to make up for the dumb play Butler!!