Kentucky MBB video

I like the Phillip Glass-esque music, as opposed to the mumble rap hype videos that dominate so many of these links.

Also, maybe I'm a bit desensitized from UK's overuse of hype videos during the Cal administration, but I'd prefer to hold off on hype videos until UK actually does something significant again.

It's been years since we were relevant. Maybe we can win some meaningful games before we start hyping up the inner monologues of the team's collective basketball soul.
I like the Phillip Glass-esque music, as opposed to the mumble rap hype videos that dominate so many of these links.

Also, maybe I'm a bit desensitized from UK's overuse of hype videos during the Cal administration, but I'd prefer to hold off on hype videos until UK actually does something significant again.

It's been years since we were relevant. Maybe we can win some meaningful games before we start hyping up the inner monologues of the team's collective basketball soul.

I think these things are just as much for the art and graphic design students at UK that make them as it is the basketball team. The students that produce these do a great job and get some really nice work to put in their portfolios and resumes.
I like the Phillip Glass-esque music, as opposed to the mumble rap hype videos that dominate so many of these links.

Also, maybe I'm a bit desensitized from UK's overuse of hype videos during the Cal administration, but I'd prefer to hold off on hype videos until UK actually does something significant again.

It's been years since we were relevant. Maybe we can win some meaningful games before we start hyping up the inner monologues of the team's collective basketball soul.
Lighten up Captain Buzzkill.

It’s nothing to get riled up about