I attended Gottschalk Junior High in 72, Mr. T was the principal at that time. Early in the year I got in trouble with a couple of other guys and we were sentenced to study hall for an hour after school. For some strange reason the guy running the study hall thought we should sit there and look straight ahead, quietly, for an hour.
On my way to the Principal's office I was scared shitless because Mr. T was a huge dude and had a terrible reputation as a hardass. As I entered his office for the first time, I noticed all the UK memorabilia and immediately let him know of my love for the Cats. I still didn't know who he was until I saw his full name on his desk.
We talked about the Cats and Rupp and his team and I think he was impressed by my knowledge of the previous 10 years of history. He finally asked me why I was there and I had to tell him I had disrupted the study hall. He asked me how many days I had to go and when I told him the rest of the week, he told me to just come to his office everyday if I wanted and he would take care of it with the teacher.
I ran all the way home, so proud to tell my father what had happened and who my principal was. I was there for another year and a half and never got in trouble again. Well, no trouble that sent me to his office.