Kansas Cited-Lack of Institutional Control

This is nothing but a witch-hunt by those dickwads at the NCAA. We will fight this.

To the NCAA

Kansas is pure as driven snow. Nothing to see here. Move on NCAA. You did nothing to UNC, the biggest cheaters of all time. You have no ball and will do nothing. We will fight to the end. Oh, I forgot about Louisville.
Also, much like I predicted, Self came out and issued a statement that the NCAA is over reaching, which they are, and that Kansas will fight the NCAA on this tooth and nail.
unless he has proof the allegations are false neither he nor the university has any real argument here. a judge is going to have the ncaa be governed by its members. bill self stating vaguely his displeasure is not a case and me thinks if ku does fight it it’d be without him. he offered no examples of misinformation. he just generally accused the ncaa without one fact backed by any evidence. the noa meanwhile will contain facts backed by evidence provided for by the same government whose courtroom the case would be held in. what do you think a judge will say about the ncaa penalties and fbi evidence vs a university/college coach accusing a corporation for being opportunistic, because of public narratives from the trial?

imo ku is not going to let self speak on behalf of them if it ever came to that. ku is already in enough trouble because of him (probably angry he was caught lol). expect him to be fired soon. ku will need the pr leverage. they’re looking pretty corrupt.
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Bill Self and Kansas will skate......That's a given
you think ku can pull a unc? i think they know they can’t. there was no fbi evidence presented in court in the unc scandal. going to leave a mark here though. ku will have pay in some way. firing self is the highest value result for ku. it’s no brainer. the noa itself says self holds the burden of responsibility. this is open and mostly closed if they get rid of self and get a new department for oversight. after that it’s probably good old fashioned probation. i think that is the smart play by ku but we know they’re corrupt. only now everyone else knows too.
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This is nothing but a witch-hunt by those dickwads at the NCAA. We will fight this.

To the NCAA

And I thought Nooneputsbabyinacorner was walking around with blinders on but this dick takes the cake. You and Baby need to get together and support the NCAA. Stop supporting Rug Head he is bad to the boner.
Girlfriend finds all the porn on my cell phone: I was hacked!

Hillary Clinton deleting 30,000 subpoenaed e-mails: I was hacked!

Bill Self explaining th o the NCAA how it just looks like KU is pay for play: I was hacked!

One of these things is not like the others. One of th these things just don't belong...

I swear I have no idea how those renegade biker nuns flogging midgets got on my phone!! Really!!
There was nothing damning in those texts. Also, much like I predicted, Self came out and issued a statement that the NCAA is over reaching, which they are, and that Kansas will fight the NCAA on this tooth and nail.

Lol! You do realize the NCAA has never been beaten in court when they stay in their jurisdiction. Self may skate because he is not a member institution. The team is screwed. The good news is you guys suck so bad that you don’t have much to forfeit.
This is nothing but a witch-hunt by those dickwads at the NCAA. We will fight this.

To the NCAA


Ah, how cute, even got a like from your asshole buddy, fellow Jayhawk fan.

Here is the thing, Kansas MIGHT have skated before the FBI dug into this. Now, the NCAA HAS TO PUNISH schools if guilty (and they are), Too much at stake with what credibility they have left. They know now the FBI has taken a lot of time and invested so much money and man hours uncovering all this, they just can't set back and punish the Cleveland State's and UNLV's of the world. They have got a full blown system wide failure and lack of concern of the recruiting rules uncovered and handed to them on a silver platter. They did not even have to do much leg work, the FBI did it for them. Platter has been given to them, dinner will be served.

The big question is, How do you like you Jayhawk cooked ????
Another thing, all of the Kansas fans are jumping on here defending the school, coach, assistants, etc. Saying "they have no proof". Well guess what ? You do not know what they have. They may have MORE than what the public has read from trials and testimony. keep in mind it was in a court of law, under sworn testimony with lying not being a option. Or lie and have PERJURY staring them in the face. The NCAA is not taking all this time gathering evidence the FBI had, and gathering even more for their own investigation, and hitting Kansas with a NOA, and not have any proof. It would be a total embarrassment for them if they spend all this time, go thru the trouble of putting Kansas on blast, all based on circumstantial evidence and hearsay. Wake up out of La LA land, Kansas is toast, and the NCAA is not going to do all this and simply smack them on the wrist.
the ncaa doesn’t require proof. it literally is how they want to interpret their bylaws. the us is not going to tell the ncaa how it will choose its agenda. there is no morality test in business. and this is very very big business.
If the NCAA does not punish schools that were cheating I am really curious if Congress will wake up and finally figure out this whole NCAA thing is a long con to keep the money rolling in and "student" athlete in the for profit sports is really a joke.

And if the FBI is no longer actively investigating this case then Congress can get access to the records if they want.
Reading other boards, adidas schools are questioning why Nike schools haven’t been punished. The first school they mention is us then puke
I hope the NCAA sticks it to them , makes an example out of them!

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I'd say most of Kansas' punishment will fall on Auburn. Kansas may cheat, but they make the NCAA money.
Duke gets a pass they have total institutional control they know they are cheating and that makes it OK!!!
Self should be arrested for murder, he just killed the Kansas program [laughing]

To think the historic and legendary KU basketball program will die is just ridiculous. Even if those douchewads throw sanctions at KU, it might be a post season ban. So what. UK missed the post season before and is just fine. Or maybe vacate 2018 final four. So what. KU will make another FF likely this year anyway. The worst that could happen is Self is gone. Thats still not too bad because Jay Wright is waiting to step in.
Shall I remind you, the Big 12 tourney is always on Kansas City. And there is typically a NCAA site between KC, Des Moines, Wichita and Tulsa. Whose butts are in those seats? KU fans. NCAA will not give KU a post season ban. KU has the current streak for NCAA appearances. That would be idiotic and just dumb.
This has been a long time coming, Kansas knows it's coming too. They have been fooling around in this kind of stuff for a long time, now it's time to pay for it.
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Hope no Helms Titles were affected..[cheers]

The University of Kansas has received its notice of allegations from the NCAA today, which includes potentially devastating allegations toward the men’s basketball program, according to multiple sources.

Kansas has been charged with lack of institutional control, three Level I violations in men’s basketball and there is a head coach responsibility charge against coach Bill Self, according to multiple sources. There also are allegations against football, sources added, although those are Level II violations. The football allegations include charges of allowing an extra coach to work during practice under former head coach David Beaty.
How can this be? We have been told repeatedly by many of the resident posters on this board that the NCAA will never investigate Kansas.