JB Classic thread

They’ve already interviewed reddish and jones, now Williamson. Smh
The biggest program THE Duke show. They got 3 top players and are the IT school.

and if kids at home are buying that crap from ESPN then I have no hope for them.
The lady asking the questions is Damn annoying. Stupid question about why is this game different from others....they are all the same.
I'll probably be wrong, but I think this Bazley kid is making a huge mistake.

Playing in tiny arena's with small crowds, riding a bus to games, living on $36,000 paying for his own food and living space, 2nd rate training facilities, ZERO exposure.

The G-League SUCKS!!! Just ask Derek Willis.
I was wrong, these are not a like. This game is worse than the McDonald's game. Hoop summit is where you will see these players shine since its more structured.
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