Jaxson Robinson is worth his weight in gold

Even if Cal was winning, I'd still be glad he is gone. I just got tired of hearing him blather on, and I just don't like the guy anymore.
You’re right, he did blather. Most of his sentences went in about 3 different directions without finishing an understandable thought.
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Thanks for obsessing over me but believe it or not I have a life outside this board and have a job and take care of a parent with dementia.
But you didn’t address the point he made. Too busy with your outside the board life?
You’re right, he did blather. Most of his sentences went in about 3 different directions without finishing an understandable thought.
He's one of the worst I've ever seen at answering a question.

"Cal, what steps are you taking to make a deeper run in the tournament this year?"

"Well I had to get my dog groomed the other day and did you know the monopoly man actually never wore a monocle. You people are crazy."
No, it wasn’t really the same things that people were saying about Cal although everyone definitely was excited and high on him. Cal’s in-person introduction to BBN was standing at a podium and staring down at the printed pages he was reading his half stellar/half cheesy “domination proclamation for the big blue nation” off of. Really soon after that he said “the Lamborghini is not leaving the garage.”

We had no idea the magnitude of the bullcrap that was headed for us six years down the pike even though plenty of people were warning us even then. But even then, even though we were very high on him, most fans knew and talked about the fact that Cal was a bullshitter and a salesman. We started saying very very early that “Cal could sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves.” ——In addition to which it took a while to convince a huge chunk of people that DDMO was even a real thing as opposed to just a marketing gimmick Cal hawked to bring the talent in here and roll the balls out. (And plenty of people never did believe it at all, including several vocal voices here).

Sure, people were saying complimentary things about Cal back then and were excited with high expectations. And as a result anyone can be forgiven for feeling once bitten, twice shy regarding the similar-level excitement about Coach Pope now. But ultimately there are very significant differences between both what people are hearing from Pope compared to what they heard from Cal and what people are saying about Pope compared to what they said about Cal. Pope has been working hard to achieve those differences. They are significant and he deserves credit for them.
People were definitely saying that Cal was the perfect fit for the job. Go back and look. Especially after 2-3
Cal was the perfect fit when he was winning. That is all the cover you need to succeed at UK.

Cal was a jerk and was loved when he was winning. Tubby is one of the greatest guys you would ever meet and most people were ready for him to leave when he quit winning too.
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LOL i think some people need to get a life besides worrying when i post on a message board.
smh, so it's just an amazing coincidence that you had stuff to do literally HOURS before he committed that kept you away for over a month and you just happen to get around to posting here again right after you are mentioned?

What an embarrassment. What account did you log out of to log back into this one? What a JOKE.
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Cornbreadandmilk absent since that time as well….. pathetic, but we all knew it. track42??? One loon with tons of accounts, playing it both ways.

You need a Yuengling and I "ain't" got one. I'm in between right now.
Cal was great until about 2015. He started losing his fire and by 2019, when he got his lifetime contract, the fire was completely extinguished.

Now the question with Cal is, did going to Arkansas relight the fire or is it too late?

Time will tell.
I dont know about the move to Arkansas for Cal as far as relighting his fire. I noticed in an interview I tried to listen to by Cal....he is still concentrating on "helping families/ending generational poverty" which would include emphasis on NBA draft. He didn't mention winning tournaments. So I don't think he has changed much.

Off topic, but on topic as far as Cal........I wonder if he will be hanging all over Reed and Rob when they are drafted as lottery picks tonight, taking credit for it, while his two 5 stars that he favored exactly where are they (Wagner and Edwards)?????

I apologize for bringing that up again. It just still burns me sometimes and I let it get me. Not as much as it used to though.

Cornbreadandmilk absent since that time as well….. pathetic, but we all knew it. track42??? One loon with tons of accounts, playing it both ways.
Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to attack people over multiple accounts, Mr. Glass House.

You seem to obsess over other posters here. Is that your only purpose?
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I dont know about the move to Arkansas for Cal as far as relighting his fire. I noticed in an interview I tried to listen to by Cal....he is still concentrating on "helping families/ending generational poverty" which would include emphasis on NBA draft.

He thinks that is his mission in life. He could have taken a job as a counsellor, but that does not pay $8,000,000.

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