Jaxson Robinson Bad Takes

A quick look at your posts shows you fighting with everyone and telling them how smart you think you are, so I won't lose any sleep over your Biden-esque babble.

Have fun in that Leotard ! [roll]
You track people and dig up their posts. You’re a creep. I stand up for my beliefs and don’t waver.

So even if a thread is full of creeps trying to track someone down for a message board post I won’t do it. Because creepy is creepy, no matter how many people do it
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I'll be honest. I have a good life, married, nice job and all that jazz. But Booms are a helluva drug and I almost lost it all!
Too funny.

Boom Bang GIF
How many accounts do you use to like your own posts, JMeeks??

Tracked you down. Too hard to watch so gotta run. See ya! [roll]

Sergio Masero Ballet GIF
I’ve only had one account. You are the second person who’s accused me of that in my 15 years of posting here. And he was on the losing side of that argument too.

You’ve definitely had several. Your aggressive posting style and choice of syntax isn’t new. Since we’re digging up posts need I dig up how many jock riding support posts for Cal? Because you only stopped supporting him when he left.

I do not use a VPN to block my IP address. I give the mods full permission to share with you how many accounts, and their names, associated with my IP address with you and anyone else on this board at any time.
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Wow he’s a fellow Cat fan, you gotta go all Biden on him? That’s pretty low. #FJB
He’s a troll. He was ardent cal supporter up until Cal left. And nothing wrong with supporting your coach, but he used the same aggressive syntax and attack on peoples’ fandom for not agreeing with him.

He also accused people who disagreed with him of being fans of others programs and accused them of having multiple accounts.

I think he’s projecting and he’s just here to stir the pot. Because that’s literally all he’s done. And I don’t need to stalk him to say that.
He’s a troll. He was ardent cal supporter up until Cal left. And nothing wrong with supporting your coach, but he used the same aggressive syntax and attack on peoples’ fandom for not agreeing with him.

He also accused people who disagreed with him of being fans of others programs and accused them of having multiple accounts.

I think he’s projecting and he’s just here to stir the pot. Because that’s literally all he’s done. And I don’t need to stalk him to say that.
the ole @Cardsstink special
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Hey big fella, I thought I’d give you the opportunity to test your hypothesis.

I give the moderators of this site full and complete permission to share with you the number of accounts associated, now or ever, with my IP address. I extend the same level of permission, to the moderators, to share the names of all accounts associated with that IP address. This permission is for any account made and/or deleted that shares my IP address. I have only posted from my phone my entire time posting here and my WiFi has never had a VPN in that time. I don’t know how it works with data.

And if they find a VPN protecting that information I grant them the same level of permission previously stated to share that I have a VPN.

I am giving them permission to do this in this very thread should they so choose.

If they feel wary of doing so given that we can edit our posts, they can lock this thread and start a new one with the information. I can also provide this permission via email if necessary. If any diction needs to be added to the permission I have stated in this post I will also provide it upon request from a mod so long as it doesn’t expand upon what I have given them permission to share.

I thought this would be easier and more effective than your internet tracking skills. If this thread is any indication, they leave much to be desired.
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He’s gonna be a huge piece , which is why some of the ones that didn’t want Pope aren’t happy as they’d much rather be “right” than win. They don’t have much to moan about this summer.
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