Jaxson Robinson Bad Takes

Now the trolls and doomers get to cope and seethe for a while as they regroup. Some folks seemed very eager to be edgelords before anyone had an actual idea about what had happened. The Robinson news really made the day of any actual UK fan.
LOL This kid isn't the savior. We will be better with him than we'd be without him but we need to stop acting like he's the difference between making and missing the tourney. He's not.
LOL This kid isn't the savior. We will be better with him than we'd be without him but we need to stop acting like he's the difference between making and missing the tourney. He's not.
We should be making the tourney regardless. That’s a given here. If a coach can’t do that a UK he doesn’t belong here.
LOL This kid isn't the savior. We will be better with him than we'd be without him but we need to stop acting like he's the difference between making and missing the tourney. He's not.
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LOL This kid isn't the savior. We will be better with him than we'd be without him but we need to stop acting like he's the difference between making and missing the tourney. He's not.
Your an fn clown GTFO now get back to your basement and get your lube out and your video games locked in . Your pathetic and now blocked thx for playing nerd
Social Media, anonymous posting temper tantrum syndrome! When all you do all day is set in front of a phone screen talking to people you don’t know, it is your only reality.

Speaking of which, I need to hide my phone from myself!! Seriously, since Pope was hired, I have spent way to much time on this board!!!
I'll be honest. I have a good life, married, nice job and all that jazz. But Booms are a helluva drug and I almost lost it all!
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I sometimes wonder if some of these folks have a full blown toddler meltdown at the slightest hint of adversity in their lives. We had posters writing off the season last night and nothing official about Robinson had been reported.
This is exactly what I was thinking. In life one of the greatest skills you need to develop is the ability to deal with advertiy and disappointment. It seems that many on this board haven't developed this skill. In fairness to some of them, it is a skill that can only be developed over time.
There were so many.

One random thing that annoys me when people talk about Robinson is how they always mention 6’7. He literally was measured weeks ago at under 6’5 and a quarter inch taller than Antonio Reeves who no one ever talked about his height!

He’s a very good player. We don’t need to exaggerate his height to make it sound better. If he was 6’7 he probably isn’t back in college.
There were so many.

One random thing that annoys me when people talk about Robinson is how they always mention 6’7. He literally was measured weeks ago at under 6’5 and a quarter inch taller than Antonio Reeves who no one ever talked about his height!

He’s a very good player. We don’t need to exaggerate his height to make it sound better. If he was 6’7 he probably isn’t back in college.
Seems like most of the players do this which doesn't make sense since the NBA is always going to measure your height.
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There were so many.

One random thing that annoys me when people talk about Robinson is how they always mention 6’7. He literally was measured weeks ago at under 6’5 and a quarter inch taller than Antonio Reeves who no one ever talked about his height!

He’s a very good player. We don’t need to exaggerate his height to make it sound better. If he was 6’7 he probably isn’t back in college.
Well ESPN, BYU and TxAM all list him at 6'7". Probably 99.9% of all college bball players are listed like that, height with shoes on or whatever. But it's not like people are just making up that number "to sound better."
Well ESPN, BYU and TxAM all list him at 6'7". Probably 99.9% of all college bball players are listed like that, height with shoes on or whatever. But it's not like people are just making up that number "to sound better."
Most importantly, he has a standing reach of 8'7" and wingspan of 6'11.25". That is some serious length and must be scary facing as an offensive player.
LOL This kid isn't the savior. We will be better with him than we'd be without him but we need to stop acting like he's the difference between making and missing the tourney. He's not.
So you think this roster might miss the tournament?
Imagine these people having so little hope and going negative so quickly over a game, how they react when something that is actually important in their lives is not looking so rosy. No wonder so many people in this world are depressed, low self esteem, etc.
Games can be pretty important in people’s lives but your point is clear.
There were some hilariously bad takes by old order legion of doomers, trolls both new and old. And of course the portion of the fanbase that need anxiety meds stat.

Robinson to UK made a heck of a lot of sense then, and makes sense now that it is confirmed.

He's going to be a critical part of what Pope is putting together. His signing probably completes the roster short of a Riley reclass or developmental big.
Not surprising - let's be honest, the great majority of opinions expressed online are just folks emotionally venting ... not a lot of thinking going on behind them.
It basically refers to the mental gymnastics or deflection necessary to cope with an unwanted outcome. Cope being the key word.

It's derived from the slang-esque "cope," an assertion to essentially shut up and sit in your misery.
Plus a reference to pain easing drugs(opium).
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Now look I am glad Jaxson Robinson is on board, however Robinson and Brea are similar players. They are basically 3 point shooters. Neither one gets to the free throw line and neither gets many rebounds or steels. Robinson is better creating his own shot. Brea is a better shooter. Just a thought. I am not sure about their defense.
WTF is copium, some new made up word?
Think of the word "cope" combined with the drug "opium".

We have some "fans" who need drugs to be able to cope with the unknown where UK sports are concerned.

Especially those who follow every so called "experts" tweets, crystal balls, guaranteed locks, " inside sources say", MJ dreams errr opinions......, etc.......
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Think of the word "cope" combined with the drug "opium".

We have some "fans" who need drugs to be able to cope with the unknown where UK sports are concerned.

Especially those who follow every so called "experts" tweets, crystal balls, guaranteed locks, " inside sources say", MJ dreams errr opinions......, etc.......
Haha, this place sure has too many of those.
Copium is a special element just outside of the periodic table that allows the user to calm themselves before making a foolish, often explosive reply. I don't believe there's any quantity allocated to most on this board.
It is more available than unobtanium though.
So dramatic. He doesn't even post here so he'd have to be tracked down. Did i say I did it? No.

Several asked if they had seen him since he said that comment. You at dance class today? Enjoy the rest of your life.
We aren’t talking about several others, sweetheart, we’re talking about you. When a thread gets dug up I don’t read irrelevant posts from a month ago.

Dance class? Might want to fix your tracking software if it showed me going there.

Thanks, I hope you enjoy the rest of yours too master tracker. You made a creepy post, own it. If others made creepy posts too, shame on them too. See how easy it is to be logically consistent and not crazy?
We aren’t talking about several others, sweetheart, we’re talking about you. When a thread gets dug up I don’t read irrelevant posts from a month ago.

Dance class? Might want to fix your tracking software if it showed me going there.

Thanks, I hope you enjoy the rest of yours too master tracker. You made a creepy post, own it. If others made creepy posts too, shame on them too. See how easy it is to be logically consistent and not crazy?

A quick look at your posts shows you fighting with everyone and telling them how smart you think you are, so I won't lose any sleep over your Biden-esque babble.

Have fun in that Leotard ! [roll]
How many accounts do you use to like your own posts, JMeeks??

Tracked you down. Too hard to watch so gotta run. See ya! [roll]

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I only have one , sorry for you, not everyone has multiple accounts like you troll boy. People like my post because they like my post. Maybe if you stop posting stupid sh$t you might eventually get a real like. Funny how you say you gotta go after a post. Because you lack the intelligence to post rebuttals. I was actually going along with your Biden insult joke, your just to stupid to realize I wasn’t insulting you in the post.