Jasper Johnson

That's the beauty of discussion. Thank you for being kind about it.

You’re welcome! You’ve always been kind to me and you’re right, that’s the beauty of discussion.

I’m not sure he will end up at UK but to my understanding, this is the same team Dillingham played for. With NIL and HS players having agents, I’m thinking that might have more to do with his decision to play his senior year elsewhere.
I hope the posters claiming we have to get him now see the kid wasn’t going to give Pope a chance unless absurd promises were made. And I think every actual UK fan saw this past year how big promises can ruin a team
You don’t know the kid but make these claims as if they were facts. What big promises does he want since you know? He’s made 6 visits and had one just last month but isn’t giving Pope a chance? Based on what?
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Going to OTE Elite has nothing to do with someone's college eligibility. That's where Dillingham, Burks, Knox, and Cyril all were and while most want to erase the recent Calipari era from their minds, it's pretty simple to apply to any question about eligibility. My concern for Johnson going OTE route is he ends up like Knox-taking questionable "degree of difficulty" shot attempts in some Tin Cup like obsession to show he can make a shot off a tough move rather than play efficient winning basketball. Too many "trainers" influencing the game and make players think they are playing a game of H-O-R-S-E within an actual game rather than functional, winning basketball. If you can beat the defender off the dribble and score at the rim every time-why take reverse spin step backs and miss the shot?
He played at Link Academy in Branson Missouri, now he’s moving to OTE in Atlanta.
Link was very disappointing last year--thought Tre Johnson digressed and Jasper was in between with is role-not sure what they wanted from him. Could be why Baylor hasn't gotten a leg up with his coach from there now on Staff (Bill Armstrong).

Jasper when he plays to his talent/strengths is a fantastic player. When he's treating games like personal workouts-he's unwatchable and most coaches won't want to deal with that crap (trainer influenced play)
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From Kyle Tucker's article this morning:

"Pope’s problem? This doesn’t appear to be a 2-foot putt. Despite Johnson’s proximity to the program and his family’s allegiance — his mother is “the biggest Kentucky fan,” a cousin of former UK football star Craig Yeast — Johnson grew up a North Carolina basketball fan."

Sounds like they didn't do a good job parenting :) (joking -- sort of)
From Kyle Tucker's article this morning:

"Pope’s problem? This doesn’t appear to be a 2-foot putt. Despite Johnson’s proximity to the program and his family’s allegiance — his mother is “the biggest Kentucky fan,” a cousin of former UK football star Craig Yeast — Johnson grew up a North Carolina basketball fan."

Sounds like they didn't do a good job parenting :) (joking -- sort of)
Not into that kind personality. Just obtuse.

If Jasper isn’t playing for UK then then he damn sure wasnt raised right. If he doesn’t know the meaning of playing for the name on your chest at UK then who else would. If the kid is just searching for cash that fine.
If Jasper isn’t playing for UK then then he damn sure wasnt raised right. If he doesn’t know the meaning of playing for the name on your chest at UK then who else would. If the kid is just searching for cash that fine.

So we should require purity tests? Maybe loyalty oaths?

Or maybe a kid wants to make the best decision for himself. Doesn’t mean that always leads him to Lexington.
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Trashing players, trashing former players, to now trashing recruits. These are the people judging the character of recruits that they don’t know, have never met, and has never been for anything but being a good kid.

Someone get Pope on the line and tell him message board posters pass. Gotta stop recruiting him immediately.
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From Kyle Tucker's article this morning:

"Pope’s problem? This doesn’t appear to be a 2-foot putt. Despite Johnson’s proximity to the program and his family’s allegiance — his mother is “the biggest Kentucky fan,” a cousin of former UK football star Craig Yeast — Johnson grew up a North Carolina basketball fan."

Sounds like they didn't do a good job parenting :) (joking -- sort of)
Imagine growing up in Lexington with UK fan/alum parents during the John Wall/Fox+Monk/SGA, etc years and rooting for UNC instead for some reason. Who's even the coolest player he would remember? Theo Pinson? Marcus Paige? Some kids want to be different just because they can be. Add in the comment about playing for a coach who has worked with NBA players before and this one doesn't seem like the type of kid who's gonna end up at UK.