Jasper johnson nears commitment after peach jam

Look it up for yourself. It is there. And yes, this board carries a lot of nonsense but there are a few people here that do have knowledge about (some) of what goes on inside the athletic department. I can tell you are a Barnhart fan and that's fine. He has had a decent career at UK. I thought he was okay early on but now, I am definitely not a fan.
I have looked it up for myself, that’s why I know it’s BS. I’m a Kentucky fan so of course I’m a Barnhart fan. You’re a message board fan so you take everything posted on a message board as fact. No proof, no context, no anything matters. A rumor gets posted here, then spread by the other message board posters who do zero fact checking, then it’s adopted as fact. None of you will be able to actually give concrete reasons as to how Barnhart was a hindrance to NIL, it’s just another message board “fact”.

Also the point was how ironic it is that the same people who brag about not giving to NIL and say they wouldn’t give a dime even if they hit the lottery are same people who say Mitch Barnhart hindered NIL.
There's a recent video snippet where Jasper is talking about where he's from and he seems fond of Lexington. As he's explaining who's come from the area he references Shelvin Mack and ask, "Do you know who that is?"

Seemed genuinely proud to have ties to Lexington but Shelvin Mack chose Butler. Maybe this works in our favor bc unfortunately Mack wasn't heavily recruited by UK.
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I have looked it up for myself, that’s why I know it’s BS. I’m a Kentucky fan so of course I’m a Barnhart fan. You’re a message board fan so you take everything posted on a message board as fact. No proof, no context, no anything matters. A rumor gets posted here, then spread by the other message board posters who do zero fact checking, then it’s adopted as fact. None of you will be able to actually give concrete reasons as to how Barnhart was a hindrance to NIL, it’s just another message board “fact”.

Also the point was how ironic it is that the same people who brag about not giving to NIL and say they wouldn’t give a dime even if they hit the lottery are same people who say Mitch Barnhart hindered NIL.
Are you Mitch? Either you are or, you are blind.
Are you Mitch? Either you are or, you are blind.
I’m Mitch or blind because I don’t blindly buy the claims that you make, but can’t backup, yet present as fact? That’s ironic too. I’m just not a sheep who blindly buys message board rumors, I need actual evidence to believe your claims. Since you can’t provide any and resort to nonsense like calling me Mitch or blind says it all.