James Gunn's Superman


Mar 21, 2008
Except for Superman and the Mole Men, I've seen every DC movie made before 1997 many times, but I don't watch a lot of modern superhero movies. This is every single DC film I've seen since '97's Batman and Robin (I've only seen each of these once, in the theater):

Batman Begins (2005)
Superman Returns (2006)
V for Vendetta (2006) -- I usually don't watch bastardizations of Alan Moore's work (you couldn't pay me to watch Snyder's Watchmen or any other of his DC movies) but I went with friends who really wanted to see it.
The Dark Knight (2008) -- This experience kicked ass. Six of my friends cosplayed as Batman characters and they all did phenomenal jobs on their costumes.
The Dark Knight Rises (2012) -- Saw this in IMAX with all of my best friends the day after we saw Iron Maiden and Alice Cooper and then partied all night.
The Suicide Squad (2021)
The Batman (2022)

Richard Donner's Superman's my favorite superhero movie ever (followed by Burton's Batman films -- to digress, I don't like that Keaton's Batman kills, but whatever, the films are based on the very, very early pre-Robin Golden Age Batman Detective Comics stories in which Batman offs somebody every once in a while), but James Gunn's Superman looks like it might surpass Donner's masterpiece. Except for Perry (who's race-swapped, but I couldn't care less), the cast looks straight from the comics, and James Gunn's mostly basing the tone off of the Silver/Bronze Age Superman (1955-1986) and All-Star Superman (by Morrison and Quitely), which are my favorite versions of the character.

These are perfect:

Lois, Perry, Jimmy, Steve, Cat, and Ron:

Luthor's my favorite villain, I'm looking forward to seeing how Nicholas Hoult looks in the role.

I hope this is as great as it looks so far. I've seen James Gunn's first two Guardians of the Galaxy movies and I think they're pretty good.
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all these Superman movies and they still can’t beat the original costume Reeves wore.

Agreed, but the new suit's the best movie or TV suit since Christopher Reeve's IMHO.

I doubt we'll see Luthor's George Perez-designed battle armor right off the bat, but considering that James Gunn's a big fan of the classic eras I'm hoping Lex will don it in the new movies eventually.

How did Caitlin Clark find time to play Lois with all she’s got going on?
I saw the 78 Superman in the theater a few times. Loved Reeves' Superman and Superman 2 was awesome IMO. I could quote that movie all these years later. A lot of people hated it but I loved The Man of Steel.
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I saw the 78 Superman in the theater a few times. Loved Reeves' Superman and Superman 2 was awesome IMO. I could quote that movie all these years later. A lot of people hated it but I loved The Man of Steel.

That's awesome. Do you remember what the reactions of the people at the theater were like? I hope everybody cheered when Superman saves Lois and catches the helicopter (my favorite scene in the movie).

I'm too young to have seen Superman or Superman II at the theater (just barely), but watching them with my dad on TV in the '80s (especially ABC's three-hour cut of Superman) was always epic. Same with Star Wars -- we watched it on HBO when we got cable in '83 and then saw Return of the Jedi at the theater not long after that (I got a Sarlacc Pit glass at Burger King afterwards). I hope kids have as much fun seeing James Gunn's Superman next year. =)
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That's awesome. Do you remember what the reactions of the people at the theater were like? I hope everybody cheered when Superman saves Lois and catches the helicopter (my favorite scene in the movie).

I'm too young to have seen Superman or Superman II at the theater (just barely), but watching them with my dad on TV in the '80s (especially ABC's three-hour cut of Superman) was always epic. Same with Star Wars -- we watched it on HBO when we got cable in '83 and then saw Return of the Jedi at the theater not long after that (I got a Sarlacc Pit glass at Burger King afterwards). I hope kids have as much fun seeing James Gunn's Superman next year. =)
The crowd cheered as they did a lot at the movies back then. I love the street people in those early Superman films. They had funny reactions and one liners like the pimp in your favorite scene. "That's a bad outFIT! Woo!". My favorite scene was his primal scream then rolling back time to save Lois. I didn't think a Superman movie could be topped until Superman 2. Got to see what came about with Zod, Non, and Ursa after they got sent to the phantom zone. Wasn't many superhero movies back then. I never got into comics but loved the movie adaptations but over time they've grown a bit stale. However, I will go see this new Superman. He and Batman have always been my favorites.
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