"It's Time To Let John Calipari Go"

It’s all stupid. He’s a lightning rod coach who took a lot of shots at the fans, went to a rival, took the team, and we play him this season. It’s called drama and it follows Calipari wherever he goes. We are a blue blood program out to destroy him at his next stop. You’ve also got the Pitino / Cal thing and one of Pitino’s disciples took over.

In what world is this not going to be discussed for a long time? Stupid article and it’s stupid to believe something this dramatic won’t be discussed here and elsewhere.

Most of us were fine to”let him go”. I wanted him gone for a long time. But it will be discussed pretty constantly for a long time and if that’s a problem I’d bury my head in the sand until some years pass. I’m currently waiting on the “time to let Pitino go” and “time to let Rupp go” articles that I’m sure are on the way lol

***edit after reading

Tbh, it’s a poor attempt at clickbait. I just read some of it and it’s not worth the click. They’re literally telling everyone to stop rehashing the same things while they did nothing but rehash the same things. lol.
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That entire thought process is ridiculous. This is sports. It's a hobby. People talk about what is going on in sports. People talk about the former players and coaches of their favorite teams. They also talk about opponents and what they have going on. Cal is both. To think UK fans are just going to ignore Cal now is living in some type of fantasy land. As Killswitch eloquently put it, if you can't handle Cal being talked about, maybe you should go live in a cave until a few years after he retires. The dude is coaching an SEC rival, he's going to be discussed. Get over it.
Pig Mounting GIF by Party Down South

He's making plenty of friends out in Arky.
I've been over it since the day he left....

I have no idea why UK fans at this point care. Let him do his thing which is flame out in the 1st round and retire into the sunset in a few years in fricken Arkansa
It’s all stupid. He’s a lightning rod coach who took a lot of shots at the fans, went to a rival, took the team, and we play him this season. It’s called drama and it follows Calipari wherever he goes. We are a blue blood program out to destroy him at his next stop. You’ve also got the Pitino / Cal thing and one of Pitino’s disciples took over.

In what world is this not going to be discussed for a long time? Stupid article and it’s stupid to believe something this dramatic won’t be discussed here and elsewhere.

Most of us were fine to”let him go”. I wanted him gone for a long time. But it will be discussed pretty constantly for a long time and if that’s a problem I’d bury my head in the sand until some years pass. I’m currently waiting on the “time to let Pitino go” and “time to let Rupp go” articles that I’m sure are on the way lol

***edit after reading

Tbh, it’s a poor attempt at clickbait. I just read some of it and it’s not worth the click. They’re literally telling everyone to stop rehashing the same things while they did nothing but rehash the same things. lol.
My exact thoughts were, “wow what earth shattering insight in this article.”
I am 38 years old and have never seen any of the Star Wars movies. I decided long ago to intentionally not watch them. People look at me like I denied Jesus in church when I say it.

Firm believer in Christ just wanted to throw that in there lol
You are lucky, the people who enjoyed them have to endure Disney destroying the franchise one worse show after another. It’s dead and they are spitting on the remains.
The same folks that want to tell you not to talk about him are the same dumbasses that could never acknowledge how bad of a coach he was. Didn’t listen to them then, sure as hell not gonna change up now.
For the first 8-9 years I chalked up our losses to the tourney randomness and shady refs. Definitely true, but when you consider games like Kansas State x2, UCONN not playing zone, Auburn after beating them twice, and then St Peters and Oakland you see his in game coaching for what it was. Not to mention the regular season games the past 5 years we lost, and some terrible ones even during his best years.
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I let him go soon as he got the job at Ark, I do not know why there is even post about him like this one.
Im not giving that article a click, because its nonsense. There is nothing wrong with pointing out the sh1t job he did the last five years and the scam artist he is; while laughing at hig fans for their googly eyes.

If there are people that for whatever reason want him back, theyre so few in number its like they don't exist.
Stop it. You can’t tell me that you didn’t like Rogue One.
I’d say rogue one, Mando S1/2, and very select parts of Kenobi are the only good things Disney did with the franchise. The dark side user that Ray Stevenson played was also really good but the show was meh. So much bad though, like worse than the Christmas special
For the first 8-9 years I chalked up our losses to the tourney randomness and shady refs. Definitely true, but when you consider games like Kansas State x2, UCONN not playing zone, Auburn after beating them twice, and then St Peters and Oakland you see his in game coaching for what it was. Not to mention the regular season games the past 5 years we lost, and some terrible ones even during his best years.
And then he’d usually say at the final press conference of the season/post-season after the loss, “I’m never watching the tape of this game!” Yet the endings were all very similar. Perhaps if he had watched those games he would have seen the pattern that so many of us fans could see and be on guard against them the next time. And just maybe, more of those final games would have been wins instead of losses.
And then he’d usually say at the final press conference of the season/post-season after the loss, “I’m never watching the tape of this game!” Yet the endings were all very similar. Perhaps if he had watched those games he would have seen the pattern that so many of us fans could see and be on guard against them the next time. And just maybe, more of those final games would have been wins instead of losses.
Just think about what could have been possible if he watched tape BEFORE the actual games.
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I’d say rogue one, Mando S1/2, and very select parts of Kenobi are the only good things Disney did with the franchise. The dark side user that Ray Stevenson played was also really good but the show was meh. So much bad though, like worse than the Christmas special
No Andor? I thought that was the best in the cannon.
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I can’t believe that there wasn’t a thread already created that this could just be added to!
I agree with the sentiment, but has the writer ever met this fanbase?

We have people still mad at Tubby and he’s been gone 17 years. Lol.
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That entire thought process is ridiculous. This is sports. It's a hobby. People talk about what is going on in sports. People talk about the former players and coaches of their favorite teams. They also talk about opponents and what they have going on. Cal is both. To think UK fans are just going to ignore Cal now is living in some type of fantasy land. As Killswitch eloquently put it, if you can't handle Cal being talked about, maybe you should go live in a cave until a few years after he retires. The dude is coaching an SEC rival, he's going to be discussed. Get over it.
Not to mention after every coaching change we’ve had we contrast and compare the new with the old
Just like in 2009 we compared the type of players Calipari brought in as opposed to BCG and Tubby.
We compared Tubby to Pitino
We compared Pitino to Sutton and so on
It’s going to happen. It’ll taper off when games start and we have other things to discuss
Until then…we’re going to talk.
Choices are to join the discussion or skip them all together
We’re adults, no one is putting a gun to our heads
I let him go in 2020. I have a signed Calipari ball my daughter got me for Christmas in 2012. Don’t know what to do with that thing.