Just curious.
I could easily be wrong but it seems like I'm seeing more games with both teams in the 80s /90s.
Does anyone have the numbers?
If so what effect has the new block / charge rule had on scoring, if any?
Are more drives to the basket opening up more 3s when defenses collapse to help ?
Are more 3s being taken?
What are your thoughts on the style of play across the country? Same, different, better, worse, etc?
I could easily be wrong but it seems like I'm seeing more games with both teams in the 80s /90s.
Does anyone have the numbers?
If so what effect has the new block / charge rule had on scoring, if any?
Are more drives to the basket opening up more 3s when defenses collapse to help ?
Are more 3s being taken?
What are your thoughts on the style of play across the country? Same, different, better, worse, etc?