I know it's been discussed at other times. But, watching 50+ year old men trying to run down the court to be in position to make a call is ridiculous. Way too many calls/non-calls are made by refs who are either a) still moving at 'full' speed or b) way too far away to see what's really happening or c) both. Basketball at this level is clearly the hardest sport to officiate and the NBA has plenty of money. Why not put a 4th guy on the court and minimize the running an official is forced to do? If done correctly, an official, at most, would have to run half court. With four officials, each one could watch a smaller zone and control the scrumming that some games devolve into. When the league apologizes for missed calls during a series while it's still going on, I think it's time to improve the officiating and an extra set of eyes is certainly one way to do it.