Is it just me or is BV showing definite signs of improvement?


Oct 29, 2004
While I have no idea what the thought process was behind umpteen QB runs and GW never attempting to hand off on the few plays he ran, I thought BV looked better today. Hit some slants and crosses, made a couple of good throws rolling out, accurate, no INTs, etc. Game still needs to slow down a bit more, he needs to throw the ball away more frequently (better OL pass pro would help), but I think he's significantly better than USC game and even GA game.

Hamdan has improved but still hasn't really found his groove yet, imo. Today's offensive plan was not the best, by any stretch. Still has to grow and improve.

That fourth down throw was a thing of beauty. Haven't seen one that pretty in a long time.

I hope BV keeps putting in the work and improving. I see it on the field but he's not a finished product just yet.
While I have no idea what the thought process was behind umpteen QB runs and GW never attempting to hand off on the few plays he ran, I thought BV looked better today. Hit some slants and crosses, made a couple of good throws rolling out, accurate, no INTs, etc. Game still needs to slow down a bit more, he needs to throw the ball away more frequently (better OL pass pro would help), but I think he's significantly better than USC game and even GA game.

Hamdan has improved but still hasn't really found his groove yet, imo. Today's offensive plan was not the best, by any stretch. Still has to grow and improve.

That fourth down throw was a thing of beauty. Haven't seen one that pretty in a long time.

I hope BV keeps putting in the work and improving. I see it on the field but he's not a finished product just yet.
The whole team is playing better every week.
And just think what a week off can get us healthy.
We've had a lot of injuries in both sides of the ball,
and to what we thought were some pretty important players. Depth will improve.
Yes, I do think he looked better today. Still has his plays where he holds the ball too long, but he also delivered some decisive throws on the money into tight windows and, despite some frustrating plays by the o-line, didn’t seem to get happy feet nearly as often as he has been the past couple of weeks. Still not a star by any means yet, but he can give us a chance to win if he plays like he did today, and there’s still hope that he can continue to get better.
1. Brock is really good at pushing the ball down field....he ain't one of these short pass QBs that are so common. Those shots to Dane in middle of field were rifle shots and on the money. Farrier dropped another good one right in his mits. Many QBs throws those 15 yard routes in the ground, behind the WR....but Brock does those throws better than Jaxson Dart...and I'd argue most SEC Qbs are not as good at those than Brock

2. Brock runs behind his pads....fall forwards and is a strong runner. I still don't see why we go to Wimsatt so often....I think they are both about equal running the ball IMO.

3. His clock in pocket is not good still....takes too many sacks and not clear on when to get rid of it.

4. But there were zero balls that were put in harms way today vs. a very aggressive Ole Miss D. His protection of football has improved leaps and bounds since So Miss and USC games. Good coaching by Stoops and Bush....he's mulch improved at not losing the game....which as we saw today...will wijn you some games.
Good game by Brock today but where has Maclin been? He looked like our best receiver the first couple of weeks and hasn’t caught much of anything since then.
While I have no idea what the thought process was behind umpteen QB runs and GW never attempting to hand off on the few plays he ran, I thought BV looked better today. Hit some slants and crosses, made a couple of good throws rolling out, accurate, no INTs, etc. Game still needs to slow down a bit more, he needs to throw the ball away more frequently (better OL pass pro would help), but I think he's significantly better than USC game and even GA game.

Hamdan has improved but still hasn't really found his groove yet, imo. Today's offensive plan was not the best, by any stretch. Still has to grow and improve.

That fourth down throw was a thing of beauty. Haven't seen one that pretty in a long time.

I hope BV keeps putting in the work and improving. I see it on the field but he's not a finished product just yet.

You can see the talent he has, we have to remember he has not had many reps in his career. He is learning in the hardest league there is.
He's playing with more confidence. Not too shabby when your first SEC road game is a win. His stats today were similar to Dart. Accurate when he has time. No INTs, but he needs to throw the ball away to avoid sacks.

Overall, we don't have a "big play" offense: run or pass. 2 TDs in 3 SEC games. 12.7 points per game means EVERY conference game will likely be a struggle despite our great defense.
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Hamdan has improved but still hasn't really found his groove yet, imo.


We just out gained the Nation’s top ranked offense, and our offense was going against the nation’s top ranked defense (yeah, they had both . . . having played a weak schedule).

I’m going to say that Hamdan has found his groove.
He throws the ball well. All over the field really. He’s tough and finishes runs. He’s a one read QB. That ain’t going to change, so in that regard he is what he is.
Agreed. One read QBs can still find success at this level when they have the physical gifts Brock does. He just *has* to get better at throwing the ball away.
He has got to get better at stepping up in the pocket help our tackles. Also, has to get better pre snap. I do like he throws the ball over the middle. We struggled last year with that.
It’s funny because a couple times I’ve seen him get plowed in the pocket making a nice deep throw. I know he can handle it. Just needs better footwork in the pocket to escape pressure. Watch some Manning tape.
He throws the ball well. All over the field really. He’s tough and finishes runs. He’s a one read QB. That ain’t going to change, so in that regard he is what he is.

Agreed. One read QBs can still find success at this level when they have the physical gifts Brock does. He just *has* to get better at throwing the ball away.

Considering his inexperience, is it a little early to say he cannot improve his ability to read the defense more quickly...and even pre-snap reads. He is still very green processing those things in real time.
Getting better every game. OL play is improving also, but they still have a long way to go. This is only Brock’s 5th start and I think with a full season under his belt, coupled with better OL line play of course, he can really be a significant QB in the SEC. We’ll see.

We just out gained the Nation’s top ranked offense, and our offense was going against the nation’s top ranked defense (yeah, they had both . . . having played a weak schedule).

I’m going to say that Hamdan has found his groove.
You were OK with all the QB runs vs handing the ball off to our RBs? Having nothing for Wimsatt to do other than wildcat keepers? Hey, we won and I'm ecstatic. For stretches of the game, Hamdan did a pretty good job. There were some WTF moments that killed drives that he has to continue to improve upon.

He got unlucky on the throwback pass as BV had three blockers and a lot of room to run - great call. Continuing to force feed Wimsatt runs into a defense that knew exactly what he was going to do was not 'being in the groove' to me. Put us in a heap of third and long situations which we do not excel at.

Hamdan is improving. I think he's yet to call a solid game for four quarters. Today was the closest he's come, to be fair. Perhaps Ole Miss offensive and defensive rankings were skewed by their laughable schedule.
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I think he is better when our line blocks well. This is his 5 ever College start, so he is still knocking rust off his true game.
I mean, eh. He made a few nice throws, but it still feels like our offense is running uphill every drive. His pocket presence is still trash and I think at the end of the day he makes more bad throws than good. His legs help him out a lot. If they can figure out a good rotation with him and the other QB, it might work enough to win 7 games.

Just thank the lord for our defense
While I have no idea what the thought process was behind umpteen QB runs and GW never attempting to hand off on the few plays he ran, I thought BV looked better today. Hit some slants and crosses, made a couple of good throws rolling out, accurate, no INTs, etc. Game still needs to slow down a bit more, he needs to throw the ball away more frequently (better OL pass pro would help), but I think he's significantly better than USC game and even GA game.

Hamdan has improved but still hasn't really found his groove yet, imo. Today's offensive plan was not the best, by any stretch. Still has to grow and improve.

That fourth down throw was a thing of beauty. Haven't seen one that pretty in a long time.

I hope BV keeps putting in the work and improving. I see it on the field but he's not a finished product just yet.
Definitely. Not being negative on a day like today, but I still don't see a 5 star QB, but definitely better now that the line play has improved. I'd say if he could not hold on to the ball too long then he will continue to get better.
Brock made several good throws downfield, including the 4th and 8. This is his fifth game, first on the road, and against a defense that statistically is very good (yes I know their schedule was weak but their numbers were still excellent). He’s improving every week.
If he just gets a little better at moving up in the pocket or throwing the ball away when the rush is on him... he will look much better in a few weeks.
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