It was not bad players, or bad coaching, or bad refs, or bad anything. It was bad luck with injuries that eventully caught up to this team. Even last night we basically had 5 starters, two of them whor braces for shoulder injuries and back injuries.
Without the injuries this team was very good and we as fans only saw a little of this team at full strength so for me, Intrust Pope will get players, I trust the BBN will support them, and Intrush Mark Pope will coach them but what I hope and my expectations are that we get lucky and put full teams on the floor. The rest will take care of itself.
Without the injuries this team was very good and we as fans only saw a little of this team at full strength so for me, Intrust Pope will get players, I trust the BBN will support them, and Intrush Mark Pope will coach them but what I hope and my expectations are that we get lucky and put full teams on the floor. The rest will take care of itself.