Indiana has dismissed both Hanner-Perea and Devin Davis

IU has also put more in the NBA lottery than have been dismissed from IU to open up a roster spot at IU (unless you're counting players that graduated and weren't brought back for grad school eligibility).
IU has also put more in the NBA lottery than have been dismissed from IU to open up a roster spot at IU (unless you're counting players that graduated and weren't brought back for grad school eligibility).
I'm calling bullshit on this one
I'm calling bullshit on this one

I dunno.

We put three in the lottery. If you don't count Creek, Roth, Etherington (all graduated), and others when we were already at or under the scholly limit, etc. Ahhhhh...what the heck...this will turn onto an ad nauseum thread on who should and shouldn't transfer out from a program that is not UK?

Shouldn't go there on a UK board thread IMO. Talk more about games and recruits!
Kentucky players leave early to pursue lengthy careers in the NBA. Indiana players leave early because they get kicked off the team.
I love how this place complains of other fans jumping to conclusions on Cal and UK yet they yell out that Crean kicked off two kids who smoked pot and had already gotten in trouble for drinking, one on probation from a OWI, yet they think they got creaned to make our front court pretty thin while we were at the limit of 13 scholarships. This place is an amazing look into the crazy part of the UK fan base.
I hope you come back here the day Crean lets Mosquera-Perea back on the team. It'll be interesting to hear your take on that.

I find it impossible to believe that will happen, but if it does you should reprint your prediction and I will note its clairvoyance.
Just saw it on the bottom line on ESPN while watching the NBA combine

*Hanner Mosquera-Perea

Y'all understand your criticizing and mocking IU for dismissing these two for pot possession? Creaning? That's just immaturity, IU did the right thing. Hate them all you want, but criticizing this action is just stupid.
They need room so they can go after Noah Dickerson.

Actually, it appears as though IU needed to "Crean" two of their 13 scholly players, both of whom were slated to be in the rotation, in attempt to pick up...

Max Bielfeldt.

(Can it now be any clearer that these two guys were kicked out because the police came and found them with weed?)
I'm not in the camp that really believes he kicked them off just to make room for others.

My observation has more to do with the fact that IU players seem to be getting into trouble and making unwanted headlines on a quite frequent basis.

Imagine what the "right-way" IU fan base would say if this junk was happening at UK.
Y'all understand your criticizing and mocking IU for dismissing these two for pot possession? Creaning? That's just immaturity, IU did the right thing. Hate them all you want, but criticizing this action is just stupid.
Oh. Excuse us. I mean, with only SEVENTEEN transfers since 2009 now, along with perpetually overbooking scholarships, we're all clearly way, way off base in thinking that Tom Crean ever runs guys off for anything but 100% legit reasons.
Oh. Excuse us. I mean, with only SEVENTEEN transfers since 2009 now, along with perpetually overbooking scholarships, we're all clearly way, way off base in thinking that Tom Crean ever runs guys off for anything but 100% legit reasons.

So you disagree with my post? IU should of kept them or pot possession is fine for college athletes?
Y'all understand your criticizing and mocking IU for dismissing these two for pot possession? Creaning? That's just immaturity, IU did the right thing. Hate them all you want, but criticizing this action is just stupid.

wtf are you talking about. I didn't criticize or mock anyone. I just simply wrote down some information I hadn't seen posted on here yet. Sorry if that offended your delicate sensibilities, Sunshine.
That explains 2. There have been 15 others. Explain away.

D1 programs average about two transfers a year. 15 for IU, and about five of those already had their college degree from IU. In six or seven years? That's about one and a half a year. Not unusual for most schools. There.

However, it WOULD BE unusual for UK, because you lose a lot of players each year to the NBA (and that has been discussed here as a very good thing, and at times, frustrating).

Let me try it this way: if IU has 13 scolly players a year and has one or two transfer a year, they are losing about 15% of their 'could be returning' roster a year to transfers. (Figure two or three graduate a year, so they lose a couple out of ten or eleven).

UK may average losing about one every two years to transfer, but how many returning are there per year? Five next year, for instance. Not that different; below IU's percentage (and btw, UK is below most schools' % for transferees), but not that different.

I know that statistics can be portrayed in many ways to prove a point, but is my logic that faulty?
Actually, it appears as though IU needed to "Crean" two of their 13 scholly players, both of whom were slated to be in the rotation, in attempt to pick up...

Max Bielfeldt.

(Can it now be any clearer that these two guys were kicked out because the police came and found them with weed?)
Yeah, I know just needed to get my likes up. You cannot blame a guy for trying
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Lets see the facts on 2 transfers per year, where you getting that? And you have had your share of "non creaned" players but with out a doubt have had a handful that were indeed Creaned.