What does
@HoosierfanJM say about this
Alright...I'll take as a given that the dismissal of two players from a program that is completely irrelevant to UK (I kid, I kid) will likely initiate a thread that is chock-full of flaming, even on the board of a team that is "not a rival" (I kid again!).
FWIW, here's an honest take, IMO only:
Any allegations of what is known as "Creaning", that is, getting rid of disposable players to open roster spots for better ones, is absolutely, inarguably, false.
1) Davis and Perea were slated to be 5th-8th range in guys for the rotation for next year. Spot starter or top backup big territory for both of them. Moreover, IU's scholly roster
was at 13...including the zero-star, will never play Tim Priller. The dismissals get us down to 11; two under the limit. Do you really think IU is opening spots for Thon Maker, Swanigan and Murray in mid-May?
2) Davis and Perea were already, in the words of Dean Wermer, on "double-secret probation". Perea for a DUI last year and Davis for a drunken accident that nearly got Davis killed. Nice kids I'm sure, but both in 'one more screw-up and you're gone' status. They screwed up and... They. Are. Gone.
3) Crean is under pressure to make things right real, real soon. Whether it was his conclusion or came from above him, this decision was not hard to see coming.
Not good news for IU's basketball prospects, but not fatal news to next season's team either. Feel free to pick at every word in this post or go off track as some always will. But for the readers of substance, that's about the entirety of it.