Imagine how good this team could/will be

Teams with great depth can afford to play aggressive defense because they don’t fear foul trouble.
If this team ever decides to place importance on defense. This team could be scary good!
The two guys who play the most minutes simply aren’t capable. These are guys that have played college hoops for over 4 years and never figured it out on that end of the court. It’s not simply something Mitchell and Reaves can “decide” to do - they’re just not capable. Neither can keep his man in front of him and Mitchell gets backdoored and screened like no one I’ve ever seen.
The two guys who play the most minutes simply aren’t capable. These are guys that have played college hoops for over 4 years and never figured it out on that end of the court. It’s not simply something Mitchell and Reaves can “decide” to do - they’re just not capable. Neither can keep his man in front of him and Mitchell gets backdoored and screened like no one I’ve ever seen.
Everyone is capable.
Defense is 60% effort, 30% playing smart/instincts, 10% athleticism
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I'm not too worried about the Def. Cal always gets his teams to improve defensively. This group seems unselfish and willing to sacrifice. They have to realize just how close they are to legit elite champion contenders.
I'm not worried in the slightest.

Last nights score and opponents % are thrown off because we mailed it in for the 2nd half (that's still not great to see us do, but entirely fixable), we're still figuring things out and I'm much more pleased that we seem to be focusing on offense FIRST with Welch.

People might be worried about the defense, but we now have two top10 wins, and our two losses came, in part, because of some very key injuries. We're going to be nearing top5 come Tuesday.
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I'm not worried in the slightest.

Last nights score and opponents % are thrown off because we mailed it in for the 2nd half (that's still not great to see us do, but entirely fixable), we're still figuring things out and I'm much more pleased that we seem to be focusing on offense FIRST with Welch.

People might be worried about the defense, but we now have two top10 wins, and our two losses came, in part, because of some very key injuries. We're going to be nearing top5 come Tuesday.
We finally have a team that’s capable of out scoring someone every night. That’s always a good thing. 2017 was like that, they just got screwed!
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