I'm glad i dont watch the NBA

Jaxson Robinson will be a 5th year guy turning 22 in December. Probably should have stayed in draft after a decent season. He might actually want to play for UK and have a big season thus being a solid draft pick. Could work out nicely.
People who have this as a reason should probably just stop watching sports then. Because this sort of thing is literally everywhere in every league.
Not saying whether I agree with you or not for each his own just the scuttlebutt that surrounds LeBron
The Bronny hate is weird to me and it's been a talking point on Rafters since he was looking at colleges. Despite what some here believe, this is a neat story that will grab some headlines. If I said to a family member who doesn't follow sports that LeBron will be playing with his son at times over the following couple years, they'd likely say that's pretty cool. It'd be seen as a positive, not this "I can't believe they'd wanna play together and who would allow such a thing to happen grumble grumble..." thing.

The folks bothered by this weren't going to stay up until 1am to watch the Lakers, or really any other NBA team anyway. If you're a Lakers fan, maybe you've got a quibble about this, but LeBron and Davis just got you a title in 2020. Now it's Boston's turn. Also, LMAO at the guy mad at the James family because he allowed ESPN push notifications on his phone and now he's getting notifications to stories he doesn't care about. You can customize notifications on any app, guy. It's 2024 - the future is now.
Except the fact he only got drafted to keep lebron in LA. His splits are 4/2/2, justin edwards is a way better player and hes not good.

Bryce james is legit better than bronny today
Not saying whether I agree with you or not for each his own just the scuttlebutt that surrounds LeBron
Yeah that wasn’t direct toward you, sorry. Just more of a general statement. I tried to phrase it as neutrally as possibly lol
People who have this as a reason should probably just stop watching sports then. Because this sort of thing is literally everywhere in every league.
Not sure if that's true. Most athletes are pretty quiet about that stuff. Outside the recent Butker fiasco, seems like the only ones making it a point to make sure you know are people like Kerr, Pop, the Women's national soccer teams, some WNBA players, and LeBron. There's def a pattern about who thinks it's their duty to instruct others on how to live and think. Personally, I wish they'd all shut up and dribble.
What’s the 2025 NBA draft night looking like?

Big fat goose egg for UK? Might be.

I wouldn't be at all upset if UK has zero draft picks in 2025 lol. Jaxson and maybe Chandler would be the only ones, because both have NBA potential, so if they are drafted, it means they performed pretty well.

I personally couldn't give two shits about Kentucky guys getting drafted going forward, unless Pope starts landing more and more top25 guys and leans a bit more into young talent. But for next year? I'd rather have no guys drafted.