I'll Say It....


Feb 15, 2011
This team needs a loss to get their attention. I don't want it and I hope it doesn't happen, but it sure seems their early success has gone to their head. They don't execute on offense, they don't give the effort on defense that they did early on and certain players seem to be regressing with lackadaisical play.

Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that Camp Cal got their attention and they believe they simply have to show up to win. I'd rather take an early conference loss to grab their attention than roll through the whole season and get caught during the tournament.

Bash away, but it sure seems to me there is a case of the fat head going on with the majority of the team.
I honestly feel it will be like last year. They just won't play with a lot of intensity until it really counts. I hope I'm wrong because being an eight seed took a lot out of us before reaching the finals.
Keep playing like this and we'll get one soon enough. The undefeated crap was just that- crap. We need to worry about building for a March run.
Originally posted by Rondoed:
Losing is for losers.
Ask the 1996 Cats how that worked out??
Originally posted by CatsFaninCincy:
This team needs a loss to get their attention. I don't want it and I hope it doesn't happen, but it sure seems their early success has gone to their head. They don't execute on offense, they don't give the effort on defense that they did early on and certain players seem to be regressing with lackadaisical play.

Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that Camp Cal got their attention and they believe they simply have to show up to win. I'd rather take an early conference loss to grab their attention than roll through the whole season and get caught during the tournament.

Bash away, but it sure seems to me there is a case of the fat head going on with the majority of the team.
Well,,, except for the final score they have pretty much lost the last two games. If that doesn't get their attention they will probably get a loss real soon.
Originally posted by CatsFaninCincy:
Originally posted by Rondoed:
Losing is for losers.
Ask the 1996 Cats how that worked out??
FWIW, it would be good advice not believe everything Pitino says. Pitinio basically threw the Mississippi State game. The 1996 Kentucky team was going to win everything anyway. Do you seriously believe they were not? Well, I guess you do. Amazing.
No way in hell you go in to any game thinking a loss would be good. Now if you do lose, you may very will learn a lesson or get a gut check you need to improve. But in no universe do you ever go into any game or at any point during a game consider or think about losing it.
Originally posted by SpamburgerHamburger:
No way in hell you go in to any game thinking a loss would be good. Now if you do lose, you may very will learn a lesson or get a gut check you need to improve. But in no universe do you ever go into any game or at any point during a game consider or think about losing it.
They call those losses "moral victories"'s a coping mechanism that has become a myth
you know what they call the team that doesn't win? : LOSER
I'll say this, winning a game like this will show you how tough you are when pushed to the limit, thank goodness none of the players think a loss would be helpful
It wasn't unrealistic until Alex went down. I really hate that Willis has not stepped up. I really thought he could slide into that second platoon.
Originally posted by CatsFaninCincy:
This team needs a loss to get their attention. I don't want it and I hope it doesn't happen, but it sure seems their early success has gone to their head. They don't execute on offense, they don't give the effort on defense that they did early on and certain players seem to be regressing with lackadaisical play.

Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that Camp Cal got their attention and they believe they simply have to show up to win. I'd rather take an early conference loss to grab their attention than roll through the whole season and get caught during the tournament.

Bash away, but it sure seems to me there is a case of the fat head going on with the majority of the team.
why do you assume a loss in january would get their attention?
Let's say for a second that losing WILL help the team (which I completely disagree with btw)

Is there anyone on this board that's actually ROOTING for a loss?

I didn't think so.
Originally posted by The_Answer1313:
Let's say for a second that losing WILL help the team (which I completely disagree with btw)

Is there anyone on this board that's actually ROOTING for a loss?

I didn't think so.
they will all crush cal for the loss. and the ones that dont...will crush him when he loses again.

its as if this team HAS to go 40-0 and win by 20 every game. wish people would just come out and state what they really want.
Originally posted by DORTONCAT:
Originally posted by CatsFaninCincy:
This team needs a loss to get their attention. I don't want it and I hope it doesn't happen, but it sure seems their early success has gone to their head. They don't execute on offense, they don't give the effort on defense that they did early on and certain players seem to be regressing with lackadaisical play.

Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that Camp Cal got their attention and they believe they simply have to show up to win. I'd rather take an early conference loss to grab their attention than roll through the whole season and get caught during the tournament.

Bash away, but it sure seems to me there is a case of the fat head going on with the majority of the team.
Well,,, except for the final score they have pretty much lost the last two games. If that doesn't get their attention they will probably get a loss real soon.
This is correct
I think games like today are invaluable honestly, they learn what it takes to pull out a tough win when everything seems to be against them{bad calls players fouling out etc.}. Learn more than they would with a loss in my opinion.
Originally posted by CatsFaninCincy:
This team needs a loss to get their attention. I don't want it and I hope it doesn't happen, but it sure seems their early success has gone to their head. They don't execute on offense, they don't give the effort on defense that they did early on and certain players seem to be regressing with lackadaisical play.

Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that Camp Cal got their attention and they believe they simply have to show up to win. I'd rather take an early conference loss to grab their attention than roll through the whole season and get caught during the tournament.

Bash away, but it sure seems to me there is a case of the fat head going on with the majority of the team.
Explain the psychology of your statement. How exactly will a loss convey a different message to them? Will they suddenly think they need to listen more to Calipari? Will the victories this week make them feel too confident? I'm just asking because I'm trying to gauge which assumption you're utilizing without a verifiable basis of support.
Originally posted by BostonCat2001:

Originally posted by The_Answer1313:
Let's say for a second that losing WILL help the team (which I completely disagree with btw)

Is there anyone on this board that's actually ROOTING for a loss?

I didn't think so.
they will all crush cal for the loss. and the ones that dont...will crush him when he loses again.

its as if this team HAS to go 40-0 and win by 20 every game. wish people would just come out and state what they really want.
Makes you wonder how some of these fans coped when UK was sitting as a bubble team in 2007, still stuck with Tubby Smith; or in 2008, when Billy G's squad fought hard and found a way to go 18-13. How some of these fans kept from strangling themselves with an extension chord is beyond me.

Some of our fans....there are no words....
What if a loss doesn't help? How is a loss going to help our lack of offensive execution? That's the problem, our defense held A&M in check but our offense and free throw shooting was awful.
Everything was bad Tuesday night though but I attribute that to Ole Miss just playing out of their minds and our effort level being way down.
I just don't buy the loss theory, I feel like these last 2 games should be all these guys need to wake the heck up. It shouldn't take a loss, especially to NIT caliber teams.
Originally posted by CatsFaninCincy:
This team needs a loss to get their attention. I don't want it and I hope it doesn't happen, but it sure seems their early success has gone to their head. They don't execute on offense, they don't give the effort on defense that they did early on and certain players seem to be regressing with lackadaisical play.
If you truly believe that, among other things in your post:
We don't execute on offenseWe don't try on defenseWe are lackadaisical Most of the team are "fatheads"
And you apparently believe that:
A loss would get their attentionGetting their attention is a good thingYou aren't afraid to "say it"
...then why be a mealy-mouthed wuss and say (regarding losing a game) that you "don't want it and hope it doesn't happen"? Why not come right out and say that you want us to lose a game, especially if you think it will be for the greater good?
This argument would make more sense much later in the season, if the Cats were still playing poorly say late Feb. or early in March but not early Jan. especially with this uber young squad.

Relax and give them a chance to learn how to win close games especially on the road and hopefully we will start smashing people soon.
Originally posted by Son_Of_Saul:
Originally posted by CatsFaninCincy:
This team needs a loss to get their attention. I don't want it and I hope it doesn't happen, but it sure seems their early success has gone to their head. They don't execute on offense, they don't give the effort on defense that they did early on and certain players seem to be regressing with lackadaisical play.

Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that Camp Cal got their attention and they believe they simply have to show up to win. I'd rather take an early conference loss to grab their attention than roll through the whole season and get caught during the tournament.

Bash away, but it sure seems to me there is a case of the fat head going on with the majority of the team.
Explain the psychology of your statement. How exactly will a loss convey a different message to them? Will they suddenly think they need to listen more to Calipari? Will the victories this week make them feel too confident? I'm just asking because I'm trying to gauge which assumption you're utilizing without a verifiable basis of support.
From a personal standpoint, I've spent my life in school. When I half-@$$ed studied and got an A, it reaffirmed that I could half-@$$ study and get an A. When I did it and got a C, it changed my approach.

From watching basketball--the 2012 team REALLY started coasting in the SEC tourney. When they lost to Vandy, they came back hungry. But, after a bad game that they managed to pull out--they came back and played lazy again. They also went on that amazing stretch after losing to Indy. I think it's fair to say that group responded positively to a loss.

Watching this group--I honestly thought that the Ole Miss game was moreso a product of Ole Miss shooting the lights out in spite of great defense. You'd think a close game should reinforce that you're mortal. But, I thought we looked BAD today. Now, maybe that's because it was a road game. But, still--having a close game 4 days ago didn't light a fire under this group. Will a close win today?

I think most GOOD teams respond to losing. I think some respond to a close game, but whether you do or not--almost all respond to losing. Losing hurts more than a close win.

Will they listen more to Cal? I don't think listening is the issue. I think it's complacency. I think it's at times effort.
I don't see how a loss is going to help us anymore than these last two games have.

This team is not playing well right now. Winning tough games when you suck (and we did today sadly) helps more than losing said games IMO.
Originally posted by GOING FOR #9:
Wth is the difference between a 2ot win and a loss for a wake up call?
Obviously they didn't get the message after an OT game against a crappy 5 loss Ole Miss team. So you tell me.

It's easy to say, "I didn't bring it, BUT we still won".
Originally posted by CatsFaninCincy:

Originally posted by GOING FOR #9:
Wth is the difference between a 2ot win and a loss for a wake up call?
Obviously they didn't get the message after an OT game against a crappy 5 loss Ole Miss team. So you tell me.

It's easy to say, "I didn't bring it, BUT we still won".
Ole Miss is not as crappy as you think they are son. Pay attention, watch other games today other than bitching about UK.
Originally posted by UKWildcats#8:

Originally posted by CatsFaninCincy:

Originally posted by GOING FOR #9:
Wth is the difference between a 2ot win and a loss for a wake up call?
Obviously they didn't get the message after an OT game against a crappy 5 loss Ole Miss team. So you tell me.

It's easy to say, "I didn't bring it, BUT we still won".
Ole Miss is not as crappy as you think they are son. Pay attention, watch other games today other than bitching about UK.
Yep, you are right. Quality losses at home against Charleston Southern, TCU, Western Kentucky and at Dayton are sure to help their RPI.
Originally posted by lennyd250cat:
It wasn't unrealistic until Alex went down. I really hate that Willis has not stepped up. I really thought he could slide into that second platoon.
I disagree that Willis is the answer to anything of concern on this team, but I acknowledge that indeed the loss of Poythress has made a dramaitic difference. You just never know which pieces of a puzzle are the most important, and Alex apparantle was an important piece.
Originally posted by maverick1:

Why not come right out and say that you want us to lose a game, especially if you think it will be for the greater good?
That's the part I don't get from the "we need to lose - to be better" crowd.
Wishing a loss on our Kentucky Wildcats makes you no different than a hater Louisville fan. You need to check your fan card as no real Kentucky fan would ever wish a loss on our team.
In other words get that crap out of here.
Whether someone thinks we should lose or not is philosophical at best.

I want a team to have a will to win and play their best 5 minute stretch in OT, whether it be the 1st, 2nd or 5th OT.

If you look at yesterdays game the statistics show this:


1st half Pts per minute - 1.25

2nd half pts per minute - 1.4

2nd OT points per minute - 2.6

So we almost doubled our offensive efficiency the last 5 minutes of the game.

DEFENSE Texas A & M's offense PPG

1st half - 1.4

2nd half - 1.25

2nd OT - .35

We held them to 7 pts. the last 5 minutes.

So I like the way we ended the game and if we play that way every game the last 5 minutes we will never lose.
Originally posted by CatsFaninCincy:
This team needs a loss to get their attention. I don't want it and I hope it doesn't happen, but it sure seems their early success has gone to their head. They don't execute on offense, they don't give the effort on defense that they did early on and certain players seem to be regressing with lackadaisical play.

Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that Camp Cal got their attention and they believe they simply have to show up to win. I'd rather take an early conference loss to grab their attention than roll through the whole season and get caught during the tournament.

Bash away, but it sure seems to me there is a case of the fat head going on with the majority of the team.
Respectully, no