Like did it deeply unsettle you or, as the cool kids say now, did you laugh at it? Enquiring minds, mainly mine, would like to know. There's a great doc, that I can't link, called The Cultural Impact. It's on YouTube.
Thank you for an honest response. Thanks @Tannerdad. It's appreciated.Scared the crap out of me. End up seeing it 3-4 times after that. One of those films that really affected me. Great performances
Never seen it to this day, but along the same lines: When I was small, we bought a property where a man had burned to death in his home. Dad built a new house there. I was probably 6 or 7. I slept with a knife under my pillow to fight the night monsters for years.Like did it deeply unsettle you or, as the cool kids say now, did you laugh at it? Enquiring minds, mainly mine, would like to know. There's a great doc, that I can't link, called The Cultural Impact. It's on YouTube.
Jesus Christ, the mask is on upside down and inside out. I thought I'd make a joke about it but you like the 5th person to bitch about it. Believe me I'd of changed it long ago to my full face but a bunch are scared to do that, and I don't know how with this phone.Not as bad as that profile pic you have w/ a mask on.
That's crazy cause two people died in my childhood bedroom. My old neighbors son and and his friend purposely overdosed in there. Me and my sister switched rooms when I was 12, she was 9. I'd hear her talking to people and burst in and she'd tell me how her two friends didn't like me. I told my mom and she told me what happened in there. Hell we had a preacher cleanse the house. My sister just got an 8 year sentence for drug related crimes, her 3rd prison stint since she's been 18. If their were ghosts, they screwed her over lol.Never seen it to this day, but along the same lines: When I was small, we bought a property where a man had burned to death in his home. Dad built a new house there. I was probably 6 or 7. I slept with a knife under my pillow to fight the night monsters for years.
It'll def mess with your head. Hell the book is even scarier. But God wins in the end. It's a powerful message after you've been asking the whole movie where's God.I havent watched it and wont. I really want to but just dont want those thought processes in my head. Saw the trailer for The Nun in the theatre when I saw Oppenheimer and same thing. I am sure I would like it but dont want f'd up thoughts in my head.
Great story and I appreciate your honesty. The movie traumatized me. I read the book years later and I found it even scarier because the demon is present more and it's a lot more malevolent.Same - scared me silly.
I saw the trailer at the drive in when I was 10 and that was so unsettling. For some reason that led me to read the book at around 13, another bad move. Not sure what made me watch the movie after reading the book but I did and it truly made me ask my young teenage self; why are you doing this to yourself.
Never watched it again not will I.
That story is F'd up...damn. I am sorry to hear that about your sis.That's crazy cause two people died in my childhood bedroom. My old neighbors son and and his friend purposely overdosed in there. Me and my sister switched rooms when I was 12, she was 9. I'd hear her talking to people and burst in and she'd tell me how her two friends didn't like me. I told my mom and she told me what happened in there. Hell we had a preacher cleanse the house. My sister just got an 8 year sentence for drug related crimes, her 3rd prison stint since she's been 18. If their were ghosts, they screwed her over lol.
That's crazy considering Catholics attended Mass but attendance rose by 20% in the weeks after The Exorcist was released. I mean like directly the reason.I believe the first time I saw it was the first time it was broadcast on tv, and that was a pretty big deal at school. I thought it was scary and that was the tv version. My friend’s family saw it in a theater and walked out less than halfway through, but they are kind of charismatic Catholics. They’re big into omens and premonitions. We asked them about it and they wouldn’t discuss it.
That scene scared me the most.Watched it when I was younger, honestly thought some parts of it were funny. The Crucifix scene really messed me up though
I was an atheist the first two times I watched it. The first time I had no idea what I was watching. Then I read a book that explained what was happening, watched it and felt panic like I've never felt lol.Watched it in the theater when I was 16. Thought it was creepy. I don’t believe in any supernatural nonsense so it didn’t have any lasting affects on me. But was definitely the scariest movie I had seen up to that point.