If you could change one on-court rule, what would it be?

If you could change one on-court rule, what would it be?

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I guess change the flop technical. Stricter enforcement maybe? Charge/Block and flopping is probably my biggest problem from the options given.

Make these dudes play actual defense.
The charge call is horrible and incorrect at least 80% of the time. So my number one change would be something involving that. Make the no charge zone circle under the basket larger, enforce technical fouls for flopping, and make the signal for a charge call something less exciting for officials to call. Guys like TV Teddy love throwing that punch across the air and taking away a great offensive play to change momentum.
The officials should only get 30-60 seconds to make a call when reviewing plays and then be back on the court. I get it that they supposedly trying to get it right, but too many times they kill the flow of a game, and especially if you have to stop the game 2-3 different times for a total of 8-10 damn minutes each time. They don't need 15 mins. to review the shit. Besides that I don't know if I change anything else.

Sometimes, I think of the rule advancing the ball to half court out of a timeout when under 1 min to play, but thats a rule that if we have the ball I like it, if we don't I hate it. Just mostly that they'd be consistent and just keep the game like it is and quit always changing up shit on us.
Men's college ball is the only level of the sport that isn't quarters, and it's so stupid. Just go to quarters.
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basket with under a minute in second half.
Damon Bailey and IU are who you can thank for that rule. Forget who they were playing but the other team scored with like 9 seconds left so Bailey just fumbled the ball around a couple times and then took the full 5 seconds because they didn't start the count until he controlled the ball. Other team scored with 9 seconds and IU never even imbounded the ball. They made that change the next year.
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Flopping rule. You don’t need a warning in game, you have been warned already. Flopping is a zero tolerance rule, flop is a technical and ejection from the game. and I mean this for the egregious flops, acting like you got hit when you were never touched. Call it the Chris Jones rule!!!!
Damon Bailey and IU are who you can thank for that rule. Forget who they were playing but the other team scored with like 9 seconds left so Bailey just fumbled the ball around a couple times and then took the full 5 seconds because they didn't start the count until he controlled the ball. Other team scored with 9 seconds and IU never even imbounded the ball. They made that change the next year.
Great point, so a pretty good rule based on that I suppose.
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1. No replays, by far. Makes a 2 hr game into 3 hr game.

Down the list:
2. No jump balls
Defensive 3 seconds in the key.

Teams can still play a zone but cant just park a big in front of the goal. Might help eliminate some 52-49 rock fights.
Just call fouls when they are there. Tennessee,UL and other programs teach fouling on every play. Put your hand on a hip or shoulder ect. Every play when you are guarding. The thought is if my entire team plays like this on every play they will let it go. And they do. The other team is playing by the rules. Advantage cheaters.
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I hate when my team runs out of time 😜, so I (seriously) hold the unpopular opinion that moving to a 24-second shot clock would further ruin college basketball. More shots in a game does NOT make for a better, more exciting, game. (PLEASE, understand that.) It makes for a sloppier, lazier, more selfish game. Instead of “not-good” players repeatedly & selfishly chucking long shots (one vs five), how about the game return to a game of offensive TEAMwork and “finding the (truly) open man”? And, on defense, make all five players work harder. Recognize defense as just as exciting and worthwhile as offense. NBA players shoot the ball way, way better, so let THEM keep the 24, and let them out-muscle and bulldoze over each other, selfishly and strategy-free. It used to be that unathletic-but-poised/skilled/well-coached, “together”, slower teams could beat super-athletic, undisciplined, impatient, poorly coached, “selfish” teams.

I.E., I’d rather the shot-clock go back up to 35 than to shorten again (down to 24), so as to reward skill, poise/patience & teamwork (both offensively and defensively). Reduce the rate of sloppy, selfish, 3-point chucking.

CBS Sports article, last year: “Candid Coaches: Should college basketball keep the 30-second shot clock or change to 24?” (The polled coaches were split, 50/50, on the matter.)

Also, I kinda like the Elam Ending (also unpopular). Guess I’m not all that sure about it… but I kinda like it. Tries to reduce end-game fouling and game ends on a basket.
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abolish the block/charge call that encourages the “draw a charge mentality”. Move your feet and play defense…challenge the shot (huge pet peeve when a big man flops in the post bc he can’t guard his guy too…but just do away w it all together to get rid of perimeter players sliding defensively and then just stopping their feet bc “they have position” and falling down)

If an offensive player lowers a shoulder and tries to bulldoze is can still be a foul on the offensive player no different than a shove off…just make it a regular foul…but the “draw a charge” needs to leave the game. It’s also the biggest player safety issue in the game too. It encourages the bang bang slide under as a guy is trying to leave the ground and then both players crash to the floor. It’s just bad basketball all around.

Not to mention refs love making the dramatic block or charge motion/call and it’s always the most subjective call in the game…especially at critical “swing moments” in the game. Remove as much subjectivity as possible

2) fiba goaltend rules is my #2. Same subjectivity reasons. Make it clear cut.
The "no block/charge" argument blows my mind. Most block/charges occur from the help defender so the "slide your feet and play D" argument holds no weight. Taking a hit in the chest from a 220 lb guy is the epitome of team D. The "player safety" issue is a non issue as well imo. How many players actually get hurt on that play? If you take away that rule, then I can see a world where the game becomes even more physical. As far as the "refs miss it" crowd goes, how bout officials become better trained? I am on board with changing the signal for a block/charge though.
Defensive 3 seconds in the key.

Teams can still play a zone but cant just park a big in front of the goal. Might help eliminate some 52-49 rock fights.
This, this right here. It's ridiculous.

Widen the lane, and implement this. I guarantee you college ball would be more exciting to watch.
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Intentionally throwing ball at an opponent to avoid losing possession . Illegal in evdry other sport except dodgeball
Intentionally throwing ball at an opponent to avoid losing possession . Illegal in evdry other sport except dodgeball
I hate it when its used on us but love it when we do it.

As much as it's aggravating, it's useful. I wish it could be amended a bit to not include like feet or head though.
Other: If Jon Higgins is one of the refs, he may be punched in the face as often as any player or member of the coaching staff wants.
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