Timing. Remember at that point, iirc, it was after he'd just installed 3 offenses in one single season. One for Terry (who looked good before injury), one for Sawyer Smith, and one for Lynn Bowden. Alot of fans don't appreciate exactly what level of genius it takes to install offenses on the fly and have them work well. Its just insane.
When he left here, all indications were a mutual split to let the program get a fresh face, for fans and recruiting. Sadly many fans really focused alot of vitriol his way, when it should've been focused on the worthless hinshaw and on the completely putrid performance of Wilson. Especially considering Gran coached the second half of that last season on his own after the Mizzou game. The offense was such an albatross in recruiting, they were in a vicious cycle, there really needed to be a change given the level of interest in the position