but this is getting ridiculous … I have supported CMS and appreciate what he has done, but WTF? I assume the Craft’s and other mega donors didn’t get rich by being stupid, and that they are not blindly just willing to throw away money with the hope or expectation that CMS can right the ship. I believe there are many reason we are in the position we are in, and maybe even accept that NIL is one of, if not the major cause, but this can’t continue if UK football is to survive. It just seems to me that continuing on the course we are on indicates that Dr. Capiluto, Barnhart, and our major donors are willing to throw UK football to the wolves. I’ve been a major football first fan since Coach John Ray, and while there is no true comparison, this is as bad as it has been since Joker. It seems to me that we are just throwing in the towel. There is zero chance Stoops can fix this and to me that seems crystal clear and obvious🤬