I’m a Little Disappointed Hamdan’s Fast Paste Offense Hasn’t Been Mentioned.

Is there a statistic for snaps per time on offense ??
If your defense is on the field a lot, then it seems your snap counts would have to go down.
Thanks, in advance.
If you look at the box score on UK Athletics, it gives TOP. Divide that time by the 42 plays to get it.
I liked the tempo, but was more impressed with the after snap crispness in the execution. The biggest example of that was the sprintout touchdown throw to Dingle. We linedup quick (no hurry) and snapped it early, but he key to that play was how everyone seemed alive and took off on the snap to make it work. Brock took the snap and sprinted (not jogged) to the right and Dingle sprinted off the line into the out route and it was wide open. Usually this play has a small window but it was wide open due to the cripsness (new favorite word so get used to it) of the execution. And this was evident most of the night on offense.
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