Hurley gonna Hurley.

This is who he is. He’s always been that guy. He’s a very good coach. But he would not have lasted here.

He had a magical 2 seasons with a special team much like Donovan did at Fl. But Donovan did have a prior FF.

I doubt Hurley ever makes another one.
This is who he is. He’s always been that guy. He’s a very good coach. But he would not have lasted here.

He had a magical 2 seasons with a special team much like Donovan did at Fl. But Donovan did have a prior FF.

I doubt Hurley ever makes another one.
Lightning in a bottle. I’m willing to bet, he wouldn’t win as much as Pope has with the team we have this year. Matter of fact, he probably has more talent at UConn right now.
I’m not sure I’m willing to take that bet about him being a flash in the pan yet. He’s a very good coach and possibly a great one, and I think we’ll hear more from UConn on the national stage in the next few years. He’s always had a prickly personality to put it mildly though, and that started well before the back to back titles. I’m honestly fine letting it be another fanbase who has to defend some of his antics.
Lightning in a bottle. I’m willing to bet, he wouldn’t win as much as Pope has with the team we have this year. Matter of fact, he probably has more talent at UConn right now.
I agree with you 100%. Look at his record before the last 3 seasons and you would be wondering how he had the same win percentage as Crean his first 12 seasons and now everyone thinks he is the 2nd coming of Wooden.
I think it's got to be intentional on his part. To me, you keep "T"-ing him up and get him thrown out of games until the behavior stops. There seems to be that Knight-Kryzewski School that you scare the referee out of either making calls or missing calls because they can't concentrate on what they are supposed to be doing and he's going beyond them. It's violates everything about good sportsmanship but unfortunately, it's been shown to be effective.
He had a magical 2 seasons with a special team much like Donovan did at Fl. But Donovan did have a prior FF.
That's not really what those two title teams were at all. Three starters from that 2023 title team were replaced going into the 2024 season. There wasn't really a set of core of guys like the Florida teams had.
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This is who he is. He’s always been that guy.
Like maybe literally always. I recall his dad once saying that when they were kids he eventually had to forbid Danny from playing against his older brother because it would end in a fistfight every time they played.

I think the story was told to try to show how fiercely competitive he is. But, you know, it also might just show how he’s always been a prick …even as a little kid.
There's another clip of him saying something to the effect of "We get the worst whistle for any team that's won as much as we have."
He basically said the same thing after a loss in Maui.

He's of the belief that those 2 national championships entitle him to a favorable whistle from the refs.
Like maybe literally always. I recall his dad once saying that when they were kids he eventually had to forbid Danny from playing against his older brother because it would end in a fistfight every time they played.

I think the story was told to try to show how fiercely competitive he is. But, you know, it also might just show how he’s always been a prick …even as a little kid.

Yeah people from the northeast call that “competitive fire”. In the south we just call it what it is: being an asshat.
There's another clip of him saying something to the effect of "We get the worst whistle for any team that's won as much as we have."
He basically said the same thing after a loss in Maui.

He's of the belief that those 2 national championships entitle him to a favorable whistle from the refs.
And said that while multiple late non-calls won him the game against freaking Butler. Shows you can simultaneously be a genius and a moron.
That's not really what those two title teams were at all. Three starters from that 2023 title team were replaced going into the 2024 season. There wasn't really a set of core of guys like the Florida teams had.
Right, they didn't have same whole core. But they had many of the same pieces and especially the big dude.
Yeah people from the northeast call that “competitive fire”. In the south we just call it what it is: being an asshat.
Yeah, there's a fine line. I don't mind a coach being fiery and maybe even a smartass here an there (the Tubby stare, the Pitino glasses gesture to refs, Cal's going forehead to forehead with Pat Adams (man, I though he might be back when he did that.....cest la vie)) but Hurley is just another arrogant Yankee prick. That complete lack of humility doesn't sit well down here in the mid-South (and really anywhere else in the country minus the West Coast- even then they don't do that much either).

I've met people like Hurley and they are a complete pain to even be around. Everything eventually comes back to them and about them. Like, man, piss off with that- the sun doesn't revolve around you.
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Hurley: “I’m the best ****ing coach in this sport!”

Shows: “Yeah, well, I’m the worst ****ing ref in this sport!”

(Then moonwalks, before throwing the disco fever to eject Hurley from the game)
Steven A made a big deal out it today defending Hurley because he first said "don't turn your back on me..."

I think that's what an official should do. Walk away to diffuse the situation.
Jeez, those two titles went to his head in an awful way.
Its funny that you could almost see this kind of thing growing on him in real time the past couple of years, like mold on a wet spot. He really got caught up in his own notoriety and you could see him do it as he started playing to the camera and over reacting to everything. . . like Barney Fife when something went something went good for him!
I recently saw an interview when Tim Donaghy talked about how the refs banded together to teach Iverson a lesson after he called them out. I wouldn't lose any sleep if Hurley started getting the same treatment.
yeah, but that makes them as bad as it gets....that's why we ALL see bullshit calls.....they're supposed to be devoid of that stuff......we can't support them just cause we think they might go after a reprobate like hurley....
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Steven A made a big deal out it today defending Hurley because he first said "don't turn your back on me..."

I think that's what an official should do. Walk away to diffuse the situation.
It's exactly what they should do. And that's how you treat adults. I'm not going to acknowledge your temper tantrum just to stroke your massive.....ego.

And surprise, prick defending another.
So glad we didn't hire that hothead. UConn won't be able to compete long term without SEC football revenue. Their day in the Sun is over.
He's one of them. Bill Self is still his Daddy overall as far as active coaches.
This insufferable gremlin is at it again. So glad he isn't representing Kentucky basketball.

"don't turn your back on me, I'm the best coach in the f---ing sport."
Thank God he's not our coach.

Lord Of The Rings GIF by Maudit
That's not really what those two title teams were at all. Three starters from that 2023 title team were replaced going into the 2024 season. There wasn't really a set of core of guys like the Florida teams had.

People are just hoping he's done. I doubt it.

And UCONN has 6 titles n like 25 years. UCONN is gonna keep winning titles over time IMO.
not sure why refs allow stuff like this. I’d just eject him.

Hurley might as well have asked to speak to a manager and asked “don’t you know who I am?”. What a total bitch.
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I agree with you 100%. Look at his record before the last 3 seasons and you would be wondering how he had the same win percentage as Crean his first 12 seasons and now everyone thinks he is the 2nd coming of Wooden.

Wooden was MADE more than he was the coach of the century that the media wants you to believe. His teams were bought and favored immensely by the press, who were treated like royalty by the program. It's a lesson UK has NEVER learned.

UK has some of the worst media hospitality features of any school. It's pretty sad really, but the admin is its own worst enemy in that regard.

Hurley is being made in the very same way, much like K. Given more opportunities than they earn and more favoritism every step of the way. He'll receive a great seeding and path to the title game, as well as favorable calls. It'll be up to his team to LOSE the game or accept the gift