How would you improve officiating?

Put sensors on the basketball, rim/backboard, jerseys and at various places throughout the court. Lasers will be able to accurately pinpoint where the ball and each individual player is located at all times. Actually use technology we already have to make their jobs easier. Implement this with the goal of eventually replacing the human element all together. Maybe at some point the refs will just be there as a physical presence only and not have any discretion over what the AI official is calling.
remove one from the floor...only need two, more action less stoppages in play.

The third becomes the full-time replay official on the sideline. so when they do go to replay its done fast or he can alert the others to stop and review when needed.
The future of officiating is without officials. Players will be wearing sensors and courts will be monitored with super fast real-time computers with an error rate < 0.000001%.
A system like this will be tested in the D-Legue in 2019 and in SWAC in 2020. If everything goes well, officials will no longer call games starting in 2022.
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Don't allow roofers.

Fire the Divas listed above. Add Mike Eades, Brian Shey and Kip Kippinger.

Check into gambling on games more thoroughly.

I for one want to know what happened at halftime. I think the other refs let Higgins know he was too obvious.

Have Ron Groover train them.